This is how cycling is "encouraged" in Australia

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Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
"To use this website, cookies must be enabled in your browser" - you're right, it's a disgrace! ;)


Legendary Member
Do they fine skinny drivers who's narrow waists don't pre tension their seatbelts properly? One of the reasons I'm not a fan of Oz. Nanny state with a funny accent.


Charming but somewhat feckless


Lovely jubbly
Ok I know this is petty, fines for loose straps, but doesn't a bike helmet need to be on securely to work? I guess if there is a law stating you have to wear one it should be on properly or what's the point? Btw I'm not agreeing with the fines!
Anyway shouldn't this be on the "helmet thread"?


Charming but somewhat feckless
What's to say they work, even when fitted securely?

Don't start!



Leg End Member
I reckon the policeman officer saw the cycling lady student and got a bit :wub: ...he wanted the start a conversation but got all :shy: when it came to the crunch, so instead of asking her for a date he figured he'd woo her with his professionalism :becool: .... this story may not be over yet.
Its not @Pat "5mph" is it, with no Hi-Vis, again.


Legendary Member
I think I would be going to court with that one. I can imagine the law stating the strap has to be fastened. But I cannot think that it will say how tight it has to be fastened. If the strap was not fastened at all it would be pointes wearing the helmet. But it says it was too loose.
An Australian Court decision could be interesting

In a previous case where a helmet was not worn at all the decision was that there was sufficient doubt of their effectiveness and sufficient evidence f helmets casing harm that they acquitted the defendant
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