This morning's mushrooms

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Nice link Cab.

Here's a bag of Ceps from last year. Enjoy! (well, we did, they were all eaten! And delicious!)


New Member
Pete said:
Nice link Cab.

Here's a bag of Ceps from last year. Enjoy! (well, we did, they were all eaten! And delicious!)


Have a brose in the foraging section in the forum over at Downsizer, loads of shrooming action there at this time of year.

How are you finding this season for shrooming?


Cab said:
How are you finding this season for shrooming?
Nothing much as of yet, we might saunter out tomorrow for a look. Had a fairly decent bag of Hydnums (pieds-de-mouton) a few weeks ago, enough for a couple of meals, not been out since then. We were in France last week but it's hopeless going mushrooming out there, someone is bound to have bagged all the best ones before you! Besides, all the likeliest woodlands have big "Mushrooming Prohibited" signs all over the place...


New Member
Pete said:
Nothing much as of yet, we might saunter out tomorrow for a look. Had a fairly decent bag of Hydnums (pieds-de-mouton) a few weeks ago, enough for a couple of meals, not been out since then. We were in France last week but it's hopeless going mushrooming out there, someone is bound to have bagged all the best ones before you! Besides, all the likeliest woodlands have big "Mushrooming Prohibited" signs all over the place...

:rolleyes: Yeah, less competition in many English woodlands, although that seems to be changing.

Been a quiet autumn for shrooms so far here in Cambs.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Fnaar said:
I'm familiar with button mushrooms (cold at the mo', innit! :rolleyes:) and garlic mushrooms (:rolleyes:) but can anyone ID these for me? I've had a go with a book, but not too are cr@p, taken on mobile, I'm afraid, all taken about this time last year, over space of a few weeks. (Apols to admin if this post is ricky-dicky-diculously large...)

1) Giant funnel??

2) 3) 4) 5) No idea...

The second one is a scale model of the Starship Enterprise crash landing onto the planet Zog.
The fifth is a hastily buried corpse with a stiffy.
Can't help with the others though:biggrin:


Still nothing much doing on the mushroom front, unless a few blewits pop up to round off the season, may as well pack it in till next year: what with all the sodden summer, we've still had a rather dry autumn. A few ink caps and parasols, that's all.

This evening we had one of the dishes we reserve for wild mushrooms - if we get any! Alternate layers of sliced mushies and sliced, pre-cooked potatoes, smothered in a creamy sauce with cheese added, baked in the oven. Delectable with ceps! But this time - alas! - no ceps being to hand, had to make it with ordinary cultivated mushrooms: threw in a couple of small Parasols I picked up this afternoon, but they didn't come to much. Still nice, though.


Senior Member
So, any advice as to mind-altering properties?


Senior Member
What wonderful pictures of mushrooms, it makes me want to go out with a torch and find some for breakfast.


New Member
Had a massive haul of blewits, shaggy parasols, field mushrooms and Agrocybe cylindracea over the weekend. Great weekend mushrooming.


Über Member
There is a Carluccios over the road from my office in Spitalfields, every now and again they set up a stall outside selling fresh and dried mushrooms and the great man himself will come and do a presentation. Last time, a few weeks ago he was doing some kind of Mushroom tempura type thing. You lot would love it I'm sure.


New Member
Pete said:
Never heard of that one, needed to look it up! Not one I would trust myself with :biggrin:, looks like it could be confused with the poisonous 'fairy cake' (Hebeloma).

Common as much here, it likes fens with old willow tree roots. Which is basically what Cambridge is :biggrin:

Very tasty, difficult to get your eye in for when you first encounter them, but absolutely unmistakable after a while. Distinctive smell, texture, colouration and habitat. Although I can quite see why on first glance you'd be concerned about confusion with certain Hebeloma mushrooms.
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