Tidying the garage

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Madam! I suspect vowel play has taken place in your garage. This is very eerie house. I'll send someone up and over to dust for dabs.
I do remember riding around to you house on an 1885 56" Parr and Co Penny Farthing and then leaving without it, so any Penny Farthing you find are probably mine. Ta


Vice Admiral
Noodley said:
A windmill.
A happy mouse.
A pair of clogs.
A staircase.
The expression "well I declare!".

If you see any of these items could you pleas send to:
Ronnie Hilton
The 1950s

Thanking you.

You will be pleased to know that I have found a Old Hamster, dam - he's escaped. :eek:


Vice Admiral
I thought that would take all weekend. My garage is not that big, it was just very untidy. It also has lots of things in the "might be very useful one day" category.:blush:

I found about one dozen sky hooks, and about six very large spiders, they have legs about two feet long, and were in a terrible tangle.

Lots of brackets, and some hinges, (bought lots of the wrong size) and misc bits of wood. I could probably practice my carpentry skills, and build a cupboard along the lines that Picasso wood design. :biggrin:

Hilldodger, I did not find your penny farthing. However, bearing in mind inflation since 1885, it might be that the two pound coin and the five pence are more what you are looking for?
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