Tour de france fantasy league

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I like the 2 transfer option, it took me a while to notice it was there....oops!

Adds a bit more to the game than simply picking a team at the start and leaving it go.

But I can see it being a pain when you miss a retiral and end up with no points for the day! Or find out of an withdrawal after transfers made!
Thats why you should make your transfers in the morning. ;)

Cancellara out, Pineau in. Evans out, schleck in.

With 10 team value to spare, ohhhh yeahhhh.


Thats why you should make your transfers in the morning. ;)

Only good if you know the DNS list for definite....I like the 2 transfers but maybe future editions could allow a change to the transfer rules? Keep it at two but allow for change of mind, DNS, etc...

....I only know you cannot change as I made a bit of an arse with one tranfer tonight as I had two screens open and was not paying attention and ended up transfering somone who's score I had been looing at rather than the rider I wanted on the team - ho hum. That'll teach me!

Eoin Rua

Active Member
Brought Schleck and Van Den Broeck in - seems to have paid off, best day so far with 66 points - which granted may pale into insignificance at some of your totals, but I'm rather proud of it! Even got some points from domestiques today (although Geraint Thomas has produced nothing since I brought him in) :angry:


Hate transfers. I'd have been better off if I stuck with my original bets. SO far they have a bad day or two, I swap them out, then they do well, while the person I've swapped in has been rubbish.
I can't decide whether I'm thrilled or devastated that David Millar got me the Lantern rouge points yesterday. I should probably transfer him, but I cant do that to someone who rode 180 kms by himself with broken ribs thinking he was going to be eliminated. Respect. :bravo:

And that's why I will never win fantasy tdf. Too sentimental. :blush:

besides, he might get me the LR points again today!:whistle:


Team Cattywat's lowest scoring day to date, a pitiful 36 points....

...Thor back in for next stage.

...and Pineau back in as well, he seems to want to pick up any mountain points on the go.
I see Chuffy got the Lantern Rouge today, he's probably going to try and tell us it was deliberate ;)


Woo, that was my best score ever today, and I have just hardened up my team for what I think will be a surprisingly tough stage tomorrow.


Woo, that was my best score ever today, and I have just hardened up my team for what I think will be a surprisingly tough stage tomorrow.

Today overtook yesterday as my worst stage....bums!

But hopefully my transfers over the past few days will pay dividends in the next few stages...
Its Lisa's team that I can't get over. She's in 30th place with 259 points which isnt that great, but then you look at her team and find out that she missed Stage 4, Stage 5, Stage 6, Stage 7 and Stage 8, and it looks a little more impressive.

Just think where the dopey mare would be now if she'd noticed that she only had 8 riders for all those stages.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


North Wales
Its Lisa's team that I can't get over. She's in 30th place with 259 points which isnt that great, but then you look at her team and find out that she missed Stage 4, Stage 5, Stage 6, Stage 7 and Stage 8, and it looks a little more impressive.

Just think where the dopey mare would be now if she'd noticed that she only had 8 riders for all those stages.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Takes a bow :blush:
Its Lisa's team that I can't get over. She's in 30th place with 259 points which isnt that great, but then you look at her team and find out that she missed Stage 4, Stage 5, Stage 6, Stage 7 and Stage 8, and it looks a little more impressive.

Just think where the dopey mare would be now if she'd noticed that she only had 8 riders for all those stages.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I think she actually has nine. She's just been keeping one at a time back for 'special backrubs' and suchlike. After all, why have a team of fit young lads and let them tire themselves out pedalling all the time? :whistle:;)
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