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Legendary Member
near Hornsea
Just got back home after cycling the Trans pennine trail last week.

Anyone else cycling this soon, please be aware that there is no bridge over the river Dearne near to old moor RSPB near Wath upon Dearne. I guess it was washed away during the recent flooding, but there were no signs warning of the closure. It's easily avoided by staying on the A633 & Dearne road.

Also two areas of the trail were still under approx 18" of water, around Mexborough & worst flooding was around Dainewell woods near Altrincham. The second area at Dainewell Woods can be easily avoided by roads, but not sure about the Mexborough section as I cant remember exactly where that was :thumbsup:

Also anyone new to touring & planning on this I would recommend travelling east to west. I wasnt sure this would be the best way, but the climb up the pennines from the west looked much harder due to the very rough terrain :thumbsup:
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