Tricky Right Turn Causing Me to Block Traffic

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So I come onto this road daily in rush hour with an easy left turn and immediately turn right through the cycle filter you can see in below link.

It's just before the level crossing which cars are itching to get through before a 4 or 5 minute wait if the barrier drops. Often I have to wait for a gap to turn right. The road is too narrow for cars to safely pass me so they back up behind me (though some will try and squeeze past). It's perfectly legal what I am doing right? The solid line starts just after the right turn so am pretty sure I am ok to do this. Would you do anything different?
Short answer, you're doing nothing wrong, and I'd do it just as you are.

Looking at those double yellows, which unless I'm viewing it wrong seem to allow parking adjacent to the solid white line, it doesn't leave me feeling the local highways team are on the ball, especially with the arbitrary yellow bits on the other carriageway.
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Thanks, good to hear. I shall take the space confidently tomorrow. Yeah, I have never seen a car parked there - would block the lane completely unless they took up most of the pavement which would be equally bad. Typical bad road planning.
Thanks, good to hear. I shall take the space confidently tomorrow. Yeah, I have never seen a car parked there - would block the lane completely unless they took up most of the pavement which would be equally bad. Typical bad road planning.

I'm not sure what other options you could have with that layout, which is marked for people to do exactly what you're doing. I guess taking an alternative route would be a consideration, but that would be another sign of a poor road layout.


I am not in the middle of lane but just to the left of white line. Sometimes they squeeze past slowly to my left


Sometimes forcing motons to do the right thing is the only way.

I would guess that the motons will just drive onto the pavement to get round as it is a low kerb, but I agree with Skol. The solid white line wouldn't prevent you turning right either, it just means that people can't legally overtake you.

I also agree with Skol about taking the prime position and forcing the traffic. Sometimes you have to take charge for your own safety.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
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Inside my skull
As above take primary. The reason they have to wait is because you have to wait as none of the selfish morons coming the other way are selfless enough to stop to let you make the turn.


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Don't see that you are doing anything wrong. Provided you are not risking your own safety, I would do as others have suggested, and occupy the lane. You never know, motorists may complain to Traffic/Highways Dept., if hold-ups become regular, and, Traffic Dept., may do their job correctly. ;)
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Legendary Member
Short answer, you're doing nothing wrong, and I'd do it just as you are.

Looking at those double yellows, which unless I'm viewing it wrong seem to allow parking adjacent to the solid white line, it doesn't leave me feeling the local highways team are on the ball, especially with the arbitrary yellow bits on the other carriageway.
I can't believe the double yellow don't extend down to the level crossing. why the heck would anyone think having cars parked approaching a level crossing on a relatively narrow road would be a good thing!?!
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