Trifle wars!

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Legendary Member
My Mum made the perfect trifle.

I call as evidence for that claim the simple fact that, at School Xmas parties from reception onwards and at Parish Functions, I can recall so clearly the hushed and anxious whispers: "Which is Mrs. Kelly's Trifle?" Oh! The bursting pride in my youthful breast!

Swiss roll base.
Bell's Whisky or Harveys Bristol Cream Sherry till moist.
Tinned peaches in Syrup - unctuous sweet syrup poured over.
Birds Custard: One sachet from a pack, plus 1 Tbs from a tub to Full Cream Jersey Milk & sugar as per recipe on the tin.
Whipped cream topping.
Multi-coloured sprinkles for kids parties, Silver ball bearings for Family

Never. Ever. Under ANY circumstances was Jelly involved in Trifle!

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Let Battle Commence!


Slippery scientist
Trifle fails for me in one basic fundamental.

Custard is a warm desert component and should never be served cold. 😏😂

Trifle, therefore, doesn’t work.
You are missing out - pastel de nata are delicious.

The OP trifle recipe sounds a lot like what my man used to make; again no jelly and with plenty of sherry.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
A trifle without jelly? Never.
Sacrifice those juicy tinned mandarins my mother used to add to it?
That's a proper trifle, no matter how much sherry you put.
Absolutely no idea what proper trifle is made of or looks like. But a fan. There are so many varieties out there and everyone is a surprise when you try it. Always loved desserts that had fortified wine and fruits in it as it taste wonderful and I guess trifle tops the lot.

ps. if you have to ask. my favourite ice cream flavour is rum and raisin. Not the correlation.


Slippery scientist
I did a bit of a mash-up between tiramisu and Black Forest Gateau, in trifle form. It comprised sponge fingers soaked in cherry brandy, tinned black cherries all layered with a chocolate ‘tiramisu’ cream (ie, egg yolks, mascarpone, sugar etc) and decorated with shaved chocolate. Served with lightly-sweetened whipped cream laced with cherry brandy.

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