Trimming eyebrows?

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Trim. Pull comb against growth and snip with trimmer or scissors.

Mind you I'm Dennis Healey's younger brother. It's ears next. Then back, etc. etc.


I have one eratic hair per eyebrow, goes completely mental once a month and gets snipped... that aside, let them grow! :smile:


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Trim, usually same time as I let my daughter loose with the clippers on my bonce.

Mr Pig

New Member
Ha ha, my wife is always moaning about my eyebrows! :0) I never used to let her cut them but these days she gets to trim them now and then, keeps her happy. Or less miserable! ;0)

I'm fat, ugly and balding. I just don't care any more.


pre-talced and mighty
Trim. And get that hair from your ears and nose while you're at it. And shave your back. Nothing looks nastier than back hair curling up over the top of a tee-shirt....

Night Train

Maker of Things
I will happily pluck and trim any excess hair.
Get a "male grooming kit" (honestly!)

As well as nasal hair trimmers you can use the sideburn attachment on eyebrows. Just use a very fine comb over the top and trim the excess.

Nowt wrong with loking after your appearance as you hit the middle years.


Legendary Member
dellzeqq said:
Trim. And get that hair from your ears and nose while you're at it. And shave your back. Nothing looks nastier than back hair curling up over the top of a tee-shirt....

Absolutley right - I enjoy getting older and wiser but nothing ages you more than hairy nostrils and ears and errant eyebrows. I pluck the nose hairs and eyebrows when a big one appears. I want to get my back waxed as well but lack the courage.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Rigid Raider said:
Absolutley right - I enjoy getting older and wiser but nothing ages you more than hairy nostrils and ears and errant eyebrows. I pluck the nose hairs and eyebrows when a big one appears. I want to get my back waxed as well but lack the courage.

Word of warning, don't. It bloody well hurts....not that I have of course :biggrin:
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