Trimming eyebrows?

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threebikesmcginty said:
Word of warning, don't. It bloody well hurts....not that I have of course :whistle:

It doesn't hurt that much! And I have had it done; my s-i-l was a trainee beautician and wanted someone to practice on. So i suggested she do my sack, crack and back. :ohmy: Ended up with just the back being done. :biggrin: You feel strangely naked afterwards and putting a shirt on just doesn't feel right. :biggrin:


Rare Migrant
My girlfriend is on strict orders to reach for the tweezers should a single hair appear on my back. Or, if there's a sudden bloom, reach for the Veet!


Pluck every time you see a big one and that keeps the forest at bay.

Nothing worse than big bushy eyebrows. Makes you look ancient!


Started young, and still going.
My daughter gets very annoyed with my eyebrows and trims them every couple of weeks. Also, my barber now offers to trim them gratis when I go in for a haircut, not that there is much to cut these days.


Legendary Member


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
A woman is advised by her vet that her terrier has a skin condition, which can only be treated once she has completely depilated the dog. She hasn't the equipment to clip and shave it so she goes to the chemist and asks for a outsize tube of Veet. The chemist says "If you use this stuff you need to avoid underarm deodorant for a couple of days."

The woman says "Oh, it's not for my underarms, it's for my Schnauzer."

To which the chemist replies "In that case don't ride a bike for a week......"


Über Member
Preston, UK
+1 Denis Healey = long eyebrows :biggrin:

The last pair of clippers I bought came with a nose/ear trimmer and it's now part of my grooming routine.

I always use tweezers on my denis's. Using clippers on them just leaves a stubby hair that I will just keep on playing with.
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