Ultegra brake lever

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Well-Known Member
Just noticed today that while my right hand brake lever has a very smooth action right thru the stroke, the left is a trifle stiff ( very slightly juddery ) in action. Should you grease the pivot point on these levers ? This is a very new bike ( 4 mths ) and I`m sure supplier would be happy to look at it BUT if it can be adjusted or greased easily, I`d rather have a stab at it. Ta for all useful replies.


I'd leave the levers well alone until you've ruled out a sticky cable or dirty caliper. Rear brakes get a lot more dirt thrown at them than front brakes and bits of muck can get in between the pivot points of the caliper and cause symptons like you're experiencing. I'd try taking that apart and cleaning it first, then greasing or replacing the cable.
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