Unbalanced Muscle aches

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Having been cycling to work for around 6 weeks, I've noticed that my left leg tends to ache a lot more than my left, and that if I have issues (i.e. sore knees), it's always on the left.

I also noticed last night that the muscle growth on my legs (which is quite dramatic!) seems to be significantly more on the left, not overwhemingly so, but enough that I can feel it with my hands.

I wonder please, whether this is fairly normal, having a stronger and weaker leg, or whether my cycling style might be responsible for this? I'll start paying attention when I next ride, but any tips would be good please.




Legendary Member
N Ireland
Do you use platform pedals, or are you using clips or clipless?


Legendary Member
we all have a stronger side,just like we are left or right handed or foot we always favour a certain side for different things,its normal,as long as your bike is comfortable and you have no physical issues it should even itself up naturaly as you get more efficiant and stronger in your cycling.It might be worth next time your out to make an effort to be aware of making the same efforts with both legs.


New Member
I'm a recent returned to cycling and I've noticed that my left is usually more sore. Think for me it's 2 reasons. When i'm coasting, i naturally ride with my left leg down and right bent, so more pressure on the left i guess. Also at lights, i'll always rest with my left leg on the floor, right leg bent resting on the pedal. So i've started making an effort to mix and match, at least until my legs get used to the increased work.

PS> I could be totally wrong with my above assumptions and it could just be coincidence


Legendary Member
Oddjob62 said:
I'm a recent returned to cycling and I've noticed that my left is usually more sore. Think for me it's 2 reasons. When i'm coasting, i naturally ride with my left leg down and right bent, so more pressure on the left i guess. Also at lights, i'll always rest with my left leg on the floor, right leg bent resting on the pedal. So i've started making an effort to mix and match, at least until my legs get used to the increased work.

PS> I could be totally wrong with my above assumptions and it could just be coincidence

No thats a good point,when i returned after a few years layoff,i did the same but with my right,and it did cause more aching on that side at first,but over time its gone,now both just ache:biggrin:



I use regular pedals with toe-clips. I'm not worried, but didn't want to cause any problems more long term.

Thanks for the advice.



Hopeless romantic
If you can ride very much on your toes with a light fluid style with the saddle as high as possible and also the modern trend of riding with laiden rucksacks rather than using a rack may cause these problems.


New Member
Stevesparrow said:
but didn't want to cause any problems more long term.

I doubt it will, and although I'm a cycling n00b, I've done a lot heavy gym lifting in the past. Chances are it's just the muscles getting used to the new movements, even if you've cycled before the new style of cycling ie city streets with traffic lights, and maybe a less "symmetrical" style of cycling (like the pavement always being on your left) could be causing the extra one sided "ache" in the muscles that will just take some time to get used to.

k turner

New Member
Also new to cycling, usually ride horses. That is a sport that shows you your left and right tendencies a lot. I recently took over my daughters pony, and she is left handed. He always circles to the left. Throws you off the right with a left handed spin, etc. I have a stronger side, so I hold the right rein tighter and he knows mum is different, and hasnt worked out that all he has to do is start spinning right (like a round about, you just cant hang on no matter how hard you try, centrafugal force).

I am very bent from a car accident years ago, and I constantly try to maintain equal balance when doing things. I alternate crossing legs, stand on my left leg when boiling the kettle, cleaning the stable I do five with my right side forward then five with my left side forward. Always carry shopping equally or on the left for extra exercise (left being the weakest, therefore need to build it up more).

In my cycling 5 weeks now, I havent noticed any difference, except I tend to lock my left elbow and have to keep an eye on that to keep it bent and soft. I try to do 10 pedals with the right then 15 with the left every now and again, to make sure I am using the left side. Swop which side of the couch you lean against, dry after a shower equally, stand in the shower with both feet lined up etc,.

Just become very vigilant to being equal with everything you do in your day. Like I said I am obsessed with this because my bones set bent after my accident.
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