Weight loss

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Über Member
Astonished at how much money tied up in this when I tried to get an answer through google.

I wanna lose a few lbs. How much is a realistic weekly goal. Is it a flat line or a curve?

I will stick to the plan, but I need to know what is realistic.
if you lose a couple of pounds a week then chances are it will stay lost.lose more than that and the chances are that you're not eating enough to get all the nourishment youy need or excercising to much for your calorie intake.


New Member
I'd better keep my mouth shut here. Other than to say :-

Its a very individual thing.

Ask you Doctor about Basal Metabolic Rate. Your Doc should tell you a sensible calorific intake.
Its to do with Body Surface Area and your age.

Start by only consuming the BMR your Doc tells you.

For athletes and cyclists in particular, keep doing your sport and reduce your calorific intake a little at a time ( about 100 kcals ) each week.
Keep the intake 60% carbs, 30% protein and 10% fats.

The reason for this is you don't want to go on a 'crash diet' while riding regularly. That will confuse your system and you will tire sooner. You may even suffer muscle depletion.

As you cut back each week, check your fat %, not your weight. 0.5% per week is what you should be aiming at, but this won't be until you have been in the program for about a month.

After about two months, you will need to visit your tailor.

I shalln't wish you 'good luck' because this doesn't rely on luck, it's 'sure-fire'.


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
If you are planning on small regular weight loss, just change your diet to a more healthy one. Cut out sweets & the like & eat more fruit & veg, along with a bit of cycling you'll soon lose a few lbs here & there.
If your changing your diet drastically check with your GP first. I upped my carbs quite a bit earlier this year & it caused me a few probs :wacko: My doctor told me to avoid high carb foods & eat plenty of salad. Initially I found it hard cycling any kind of distance, but your body will adjust. Just done over 70 miles today & still not eating lots of carbs. With the big change in my diet I lost weight quite quickly, but then it slowed to a sensible rate.


Well-Known Member
Waltham Abbey
I will be starting an all-out healthy eating campaign starting Jan 5th when I go back to work, all thanks to a new recruit who used to be a nutritionist.

Unfortunately I have put on 2 stone in weight since the beginning of November!!! :wacko:


New Member
I read once that for a human to notice change in anything it must increase/decrease by 10%. For example if a car is traveling at 30 someone watching it will only think it has changed speed if it slows to 27 or lower or increases to 33 or higher, any other change is too small.

This can also be the same with wieght. I wiegh about 90 killos so for a noticable changes I would need to get to around 81 (slowly so as not to face starvation). You can also do it with percentage body fat. I am 20% therefore I would need to hit 18% for a change to be notice.

This is why sometimes when you loose a couple of pounds people don't tend to notice.

I really don't believe in 'miracle' diets. I think weight controll is done best over time with carefully planned exercise and a balanced diet.

Good luck.


To the point
About 2lbs a week is best – then when you've reached your target, weigh yourself everyday for the rest of your life and take immediate corrective action if necessary.


New Member

What you read was bollox.

Take for instance taking a bath. Get in a nice hot bath. Increase the water temperature by 9.9% and I guarantee you fill feel the difference.

Remember to use the KELVIN scale of ABSOLUTE temperature where 30 C is 303 K so you will be increasing your bath water to 60 C :evil:


New Member
jimboalee said:

What you read was bollox.

Take for instance taking a bath. Get in a nice hot bath. Increase the water temperature by 9.9% and I guarantee you fill feel the difference.

Remember to use the KELVIN scale of ABSOLUTE temperature where 30 C is 303 K so you will be increasing your bath water to 60 C :ohmy:

Science nerd!

But you do be right.

Back on topic. I think the 1 kg a week thing is bang on. I've lost weight in the past by exercise and quite a strict diet and lost at the rate of 2 kg a week, but as soon as my diet became more "normal" (i.e the odd choccie bar or bag of chips each week) the weight loss slowed down to 1 kg a week.

Over the past 2 months with a regime of regular exercise and a slight change in diet I've lost weight at the rate of 1 kg a week and more importantly my waist size has come down at least 2".

Actually, if like, me, your real aim is fat loss as oppose to weight loss I believe the best and easiest measure should be your waist size.

Part of my exercising involves upper body strength weight training and I know I've put some muscle on my arms and chest - plus my legs are firmer from the cycling. So just going by the scales will give the wrong impression. It's my waist size that gives me the best indication.


New Member
jimboalee said:
Yes, I'm a science nerd.

I still think us cyclists should be concentrating on Fat % rather than weight.


I'm bit of science (and numbers nerd) too.

So, my nerdie friend, what do you think of my simple suggestion of measuring waist size to measure progress in losing fat? I know it is not precise but it does at least show progress. I'd be interested to hear your views.
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