What age do you think is old

What age is old

  • 35

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • 45

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • 55

    Votes: 10 9.6%
  • 65

    Votes: 18 17.3%
  • or older

    Votes: 74 71.2%

  • Total voters
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Legendary Member
It's in the mind. Old boy I know was in the Malayan Scouts in the early Fifties, then went on attachment to the Gurkhas. He's now in his eighties, still jogs daily, still rides his mountain bike everywhere, and I feel sorry for any burglars who turn over his place thinking he's a soft old man. Age is just a number to him, and I hope it'll be the same for me.


Out on the bike one day i stopped at a cafe for coffee an old man came up and spoke to me,had no idea who he was until he told me he was in my class at school.i did'nt know whither to laugh or cry.I think it's all in the mind. I was 65 when i bought my first mountain bike.
Out on the bike one day i stopped at a cafe for coffee an old man came up and spoke to me,had no idea who he was until he told me he was in my class at school.i did'nt know whither to laugh or cry.I think it's all in the mind. I was 65 when i bought my first mountain bike.

I tend to find that people of my age are all old, whereas I feel at least 10 - 15 years younger


Legendary Member
Limping around on my crutches and coughing my guts up due to a cold i feel a lot older at 55 than i did 2 months ago at 55

I heard on the radio the other day that scientists have come to the conclusion that the most we can live to is 115, yet very few make this age. No you don't say(!):rolleyes:
Its a little lnown scientific fact that most people who die in thier 90s dont make it too 100 :smile:


It depends on the activity
Cycling covers a wide age group so older cyclists would certainly be at the higher end of the age scale.
If it were, say, skateboarding then older skateboarders would be over 30.
As for wearing a onesie to the supermarket , then it's over 8


The older you get the older you think old is.
When you're in your 20's your parents are old - they're probably in their 40's.
When you get to your 40's you don't feel old so you think people in their 60's are the old ones.
Some days I feel very old, and others I'm still young enough. It's all relative.
There are some who think the first person that will reach 150 has already been born.
I merely feel that old after the last week at work. Realising I'm now eligible for Sage holidays is a little depressing - surely they are for old people?

Mrs M

50 is the new 30, and so on :smile:


Imo being "old" is a frame of mind, I am almost fifty nine years of age, I cycle, I work out with heavy weights, I watch what i eat.
My wife is fourteen years younger than me, we have a very boisterous four year old we have had custody of since he was twenty months old. Age to me is just a number, getting old is inevitable, acting your age is choice and lifestyle. I am far from ready for the slippers and pipe and I can't see me getting to that stage anytime soon. I am young at heart and still fitter and stronger than my sons, probably got more stamina too.
Steve 4 year old case proven I think


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I did feel a bit old the other day when I realised that my ex's daughter (a.k.a. my stepdaughter) is now almost twice the age that her mother was when I met her! :eek:

The Aberfan anniversary also brought it home that I was 10 years old half a century ago ... :whistle:
I had a rant at the football today which included the line "I've been playing amateur or junior football longer than most of you useless c*nts have been alive!!!*" One of the "older" players said "I dinnae think that includes me..."

It did.

* I'm a "people person"


Marie Attoinette Fan
According to the commentators on tonight's track, Callum at 24 can no longer be considered young :ohmy:
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