What are these supplements for (and other questions)

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Legendary Member
I have had a box (race pack) of mixed (High5) supplements bought for me.
Most items are self explanatory but I Iook at other items and ask myself why? when?
My situation......if this helps.......
I am 68 yrs old and back into cycling this year. I have managed to build up so am doing 40/60 milers.......no great speed as my cycling is at "enjoy the scenery" pace e.g. 12-15 mph average.
I normally take 1 x 500 ml water & 1 x 500ml of (Holland & Barrett) ISO energy drink (for last 1/3rd of ride). I also drink 250ml ISO before the ride. And the obligatory jelly babies:smile:

Items in question are.........
  • IsoGel (instructions are......one gell every 20 minutes ???)
  • EnergyGel with caffeine (no instructions but I assume similar to above ???)
  • Zero Xtreme tablet (instructions......add to 500ml water)
  • Zero tablet (instructions as above)
I realise they are mixed so I can try/sample but some questions.
IsoGel.......one every 20 minutes.....for 5 hours ??? I would need a seperate saddle bag just for them :smile:
Zero tablets.........add to 500 ml of water.......when? how?............As I'm drinking my water throughout the ride I dont have 500ml left!!!
For me Jelly Babies pure Orange juice diluted to taste .Cereal bars.
That works for me.Leave the specialist stuff to the racers and the rich.


Legendary Member
Gels are foul and can cause diarrhoea. Every other reason why you don't need them are covered above

Stick to cake, flapjack, fig rolls, salty crisps, cake, sarnies etc
Squash in your water bottle if you prefer and want some sugar

If you've not needed supplements so far, you don't need them unless you change your riding style
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They have a page on their website which explains it all.
I won a box of high 5 stuff and I tried a gel - yuk! The rest of them have gone out of date now. The chocolate protein shake was good after a really long ride but I haven't bought any more.
The tabs that say add 500 mls mean that you put it in the bottle of 500 mls of water before you set off.


Rural Quebec
The needs of an elite athlete and a born again cyclist are different but an electrolyte tab in your water bottle on hot days is not a bad idea and as RM says you may need an energy boost at a certain point so save the gels for that.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Orange & pineapple squash with a pinch of salt.

Which ever cereal bars are on offer at the supermarket - stick one or two in the jersey pocket just incase.

Maybe take a gel if I happen to have any freebies - only for use if you meet the man with the hammer.


Legendary Member
Devon & Die
Never gels for me, but if I'm going on a long/fast/hilly/hot ride (e.g. http://ridewithgps.com/routes/10157975) then a couple of bottles with maltodextrin and protein (and squash for flavour) to mimic High5, will make sure I'm getting the energy in early in the ride before I've really built up the appetite to eat my fig rolls and bananas. I try to avoid pure sugar stuff, as I know I'll get a trough after the sugary peak. But there's no real substitute for plenty of real food, as far as I'm concerned, on long hard rides.
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