What did they expect?

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Legendary Member

Vice-chairs...chief whips...no wonder the place is a cess pit!


Firm and Fruity
#not political.


Remember reading a SF book which said that the attributes needed to become a minister, would be the wrong attributes to be a minister.
In the book, they elected the "World President" by a random draw from the whole of the population and this method resulted in good presidents.


South Wales
Remember reading a SF book which said that the attributes needed to become a minister, would be the wrong attributes to be a minister.
In the book, they elected the "World President" by a random draw from the whole of the population and this method resulted in good presidents.
Yes, I read that one too (short story I think, rather than a whole novel), and agreed with the premise.

The basic premise is that anybody who wants power is inherently unsuited to wield that power.

Though if you have to have an elected government, I did rather like the voting system proposed for Australia by Nevil Shute in his novel "In the Wet", where each citizen got a varying number of votes. Everybody got one basic vote, then there were 5 votes given for various qualifying reasons, such as getting a degree level education, becoming an ordained minister (of a Christian religion - but it was written in the 50's), raising two children to age 14 without getting divorced, earning a living overseas for at least 2 years, etc. And one final "7th vote" awarded by the queen for any exceptional reason. It basically meant those more actively involved in life got more of a say in the government.
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