What ever happen to summer?

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Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
I was surprised this morning to find myself cycling into a NE wind, not what I would expect in the middle summer! Still is was only 10mph so it didn't hold me up to much. And there was space in the bike shed, only about 20 bikes today, can get over 30 when the fair weather cyclist come in.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Hairy Jock,

You must go the opposite way from me in the morning. It wasn't in my face this morning, which was nice. Mind you, that means another night like last night where it's in my face going home. I hate that after a long, hard day at work when I feel a little weary :tongue:

(I cycle from the Shore in Leith to Edinburgh Park, and I know you go at least part way on the same route as you once reported broken glass on the inclined part of the path near Russell Road. What's your route ?)


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
goo_mason said:
Hairy Jock,

You must go the opposite way from me in the morning. It wasn't in my face this morning, which was nice. Mind you, that means another night like last night where it's in my face going home. I hate that after a long, hard day at work when I feel a little weary :tongue:

(I cycle from the Shore in Leith to Edinburgh Park, and I know you go at least part way on the same route as you once reported broken glass on the inclined part of the path near Russell Road. What's your route ?)

Yep I do go in the opposite direction, from Gorgie to the Botanics, via the cycle path from Russell Road to Craigleith.
Wet, cold, windy here. Been raining most of the afternoon and evening. In fact, seems like it's been raining most of the time for months!

Any climatologists out there? Is this what summers in England are going to be like from now on?


We had a summer like this in the early 80s i think, maybe not so wet, but the sun never realy came out at all. It was a disaster for pea growers then, and i suspect a potential disaster for a lot of farmers out there this year. Wouldnt be surprised if prices on crops go up significantly this year.

On the positive side...i'm off to Turkey on Monday :?: 30 to 40 degrees :biggrin:.
Probably get more miles in there on a hire bike in two days than i have here in the last 2 months :tongue:....i'll be thinking of you
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