What is your daemon?

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New Member
Stop cussing my gibbon, I have grown to like her. Plus my friend got a crow: a gibbon is much better than a crow.


Taking the biscuit
My hare is called Amantha too.
Has someone somewhere a daemon called Samanda, I wonder?

T x
Some kinda snow leopardy thing with a name like Dakyranon or summat. I'd do it again to see if I get a different one next time but it's so painfully slow .........:smile:


I got an osprey (I'm on here because I'm in hiding from small children).

I still reckon mine's a goat.
Mine is a hormonal lioness too. I can't remember her name.

There's an interesting bit of analysis to be done here. I reckon that cyclists would get a large proportion of independent daemons, as by and large we're a solitary, cussed group of people.

Many of the questions will be answered along cultural lines. For instance, Russians will always prefer to be "part of the crowd" as doing something by themselves is seen as a personality disorder "I'm going to the shop for some milk - will someone come with me?". The Japanese will always answer that they mind what other people think, as their culture is based on being aware of what other's may be thinking and on not making a disturbance.

As the questions are framed then, we could end up with whole populations that have the same daemons.
Just answered the questions from a Russian point of view (based on my fluency in the language, familiarity with the literature and film, ten year's experience working and living there, and my wife's input). All those questions about fate - of course you can't avoid fate!

My Russian daemon is a mouse.

Would anyone else like to take part in this comparative socio-cultural analysis?
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