What was your mileage this year ?

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Is it raining in Ayrshire....


About 3000 since I started cycling in May, so hopefully 2012 will have many more. Aiming for 5K.
About 2 and a 1/2 so far this year. As I managed to lose my computer last year then found it then had the battery go flat about a week after I had found it, then managed to lose it again not long after I replaced the battery I don't have a clue how may miles I did last year. After my birthday, which is in nine days time, I am going to get a Garmin 200 so should be able to start keeping a record again.
1454 miles over 55 rides on either of my road bikes. All solo rides, many after dark. Average speed: 14.1mph
456 miles over 29 rides on my mountain bike. Some with friends, usually hurtling around trees or mountains. Average speed: 8.5mph.

Have just lowered the drop bars on both road bikes from "comfort" to "aerodynamic" position now i'm used to riding these skinny
bikes, so average speed this year should go up.


Openly Marxist
A whisker over 7500 for me. I'm pleased with this, although if I hadn't been a bit of a numpty and stacked it on the ice earlier in December I've had pushed it up by a few hundred to a more satisfyingly round weekly average. More next year, I hope, although catching up with Ian remains a bit optimistic. It's been a good cycling year. In fact, cycling and the people associated with it have probably been the best things about 2011. Made most of the FNRttCs, was pleased with the Welsh edition thereof, ran a small cycling festival, got to know my bit of Wales a bit better, and managed to combine my longest solo ride with my fastest hundred miles and best pub lunch of the year - chapeau to the Clytha Arms near Raglan for that one. The only thing I neglected was the mtb - there we are then, as we say in Swansea...
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