Weird one - At a set of lights, first one there, like no other car at all and a Mini came up behind, so just me and him. Lights change I start to roll straight on and he comes at me to turn left, slams on and starts honking and shouting, then swerves around me and shoots off.
Initially startled, the blood rose and after him I went. It was a city so I knew I had a chance. Caught him up, whereupon he wound down his window to give me some more abuse but before he could get any words out, my gloved mit began poking him in the head in rhythm with the words I was speaking, which were generally about his ability as a driver and some details on the highway code. He then frantically tried to get his window up (manual winder) as I reigned down words upon his forehead. Luckily the lights changed and off he went, pausing only briefly in the middle of the junction to open his window stick his head out and scream non-logical abuse at me which was nowt to do with the discussion we were having on the highway code, tut tut.
Anyway as he left I became aware that I was in the way of two lanes of traffic and a pedestrian crossing and that no one had moved and were all waiting patiently for me to get out of the way: Under this intense scrutiny I did the only thing possible, started laughing manically and then cycled off.........