When and if...

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..the Thames breaks its banks you watch the Government start something proper ! re: aid, recovery, investment....

You watch...

'Cause outside of London NOTHING exists...........
there's things outside of london?


yenrod said:
..the Thames breaks its banks you watch the Government start something proper ! re: aid, recovery, investment....

You watch...

'Cause outside of London NOTHING exists...........

Indeed, government expenditure per capita is so much lower in the neglected north than down south isn't t... oh.


Legendary Member
Ha ha, make sure you get to the shops before 5pm, or they'll be shut, ha ha

And good luck passing someone you're not related to when you walk to the post office for the highlight of your social week!

Anyway, we've all got 4x4s in london, we'll be fine!

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
if the Thames breaks it's banks in the London area it will be a disaster for everyone where ever you are living. It is the capital city and so needs to function well for ALL of the country to benefit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Bah. Everyone knows, if London goes tits up, Government moves to Harrogate... Well, it did in "The Kraken Wakes"...

I'm not sure it would have so much effect day to day if London didn't function - we've got our own powerstations and stuff 'up here', and broadcasting, and an airport or two... And London doesn't even have a branch of Bettys. I suppose the City is important, but we'd just go back to bartering pigs for a week or two...

I suspect the issue would be the subsequent diversion of funds to finance the clean up...:biggrin:


New Member
It's probably better if London gets flooded, rather than any other city, as they have more high rise buildings! So at least they'll have somewhere to work even if they can't get home. :biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
And they have all them nice big tunnels under the ground to hold the water. Few trains in the way, but not for long...:biggrin:


Ah, but if t'internet backbone gets wet we'll all be up creak weout a paddl' :biggrin:

Saying that, it might encourage us to get out on t'bike an'all :biggrin:


Don't worry London, the waters will have dispersed and flooded Marlow, Maidenhead, Windsor etc. long before it gets to you. :biggrin:


Über Member
Keith Oates said:
if the Thames breaks it's banks in the London area it will be a disaster for everyone where ever you are living. It is the capital city and so needs to function well for ALL of the country to benefit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
London has an excellent drainage system called the Thames! The city will only ever flood from water coming upstream, not down!

Big Bren

New Member
I imagine that londoners could collect all the flood water in their discarded skinny moccafrappalatte cups, thus diverting any genuine crisis.

They could then spend some extra time telling us how bladdy great it is to live in such a vibrant, exciting city, whilst simultaneously being unable to afford to participate in any of the vibrancy or excitement due to paying a million pounds for a flat that has less floor space than their mums back bedroom.

Please continue to be smug and self-satisfied about the North - it's absolutely justified!

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