When cyclist attack other cyclist

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Years ago crossing London Bridge in the right hand lane a cyclist tried to overtake but didn't have enough power, I started to leave him behind and he grabbed my arm. We had words.


Coventry, uk
If I am on my road bike & riding along the Aire Valley in lycra, roadies offer me nothing more then pleasantries, fine. However, if on the same route and I am riding my hybrid, wearing t-shirt & shorts, with pannier full of shopping, some uber roadies are unable to pass me without offering unsolicited advice (aka bollox), it drives me crazy. :cursing: I just can't be bothered and have settled on, "**** off, big nose" as a standard reply, if they stop then so much the better.
What advice?


also available in orange
I seen countless videos when one cyclist cuts up another cyclist and they end up having an argument or shouting verbal abuse at one another.

I have never been in a confrontational situation as I don't cycle in London but I can imagine people's blood boiling.

Has anyone encountered a confrontational situation with another cyclist?

Have you got links to these countless videos?



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Tapped into you tube 'Cyclist attacking another cyclist' and only one video comes up in the first few pages, 2 cyclists in Toronto having a row, but looks like a set up.

Certainly not 'countless videos'


Awesome spinning back fist at 4
You've got some strange ideas about cycling soup, you keep making stuff up that demonises cyclists, you've done it before.
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