Which turbo trainer?

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Über Member
I am undecided between two of the turbo trainers available in Decathlon.

Tacx Satori Pro Tour - http://www.decathlon...-1859-53433548/
Tacx Flow - http://www.decathlon...0-flow-3956637/

There is £100 difference for what seems to the computer. If anyone can enlighten me as to why I should pay £100 more for the Flow, that would be great.


Not sure what you know about trainers, but there are different types of "resistance" with fluid types being better than magnetic ones.
On most magnetic ones, your turn a dial on a cable to alter the resitance (the pictures of the thwo you list seem like this. Fluid ones feel smoother, and also you just change gear like on the road, to change workout pressure.

Not much info on those pages but they both seem magnetic
also the tyre roller, some are elastogel, and it grips the tyre bettter.

I'd rather have an elastogel fluid trainer, infact I have!
look at this one

hope this helps



The Tacx Flow displays power - this can be useful for doing intervals. However, the power is not accurate (they tend to over read) nor is it particularly repeatable unless you very carefully set it up in exactly the same way each time.

Fluid trainers may be more road-like, but most suffer from inconsistent resistance since the resistance depends on temperature. I have an Elite Fluid turbo and it takes at least 30 minutes of pedalling hard before the resistance stabilises. So if you're using speed to determine the intensity of your workout its far from ideal.

If you plan to train properly then the Flow is probably worth the extra £100 IMO. If you just want something that you can use for the odd hour now and then through the winter then the Satori is probably good enough.
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