Who Still Takes A Peek At BR?

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Come on, own up, who still has a sneaky look at it?

I have popped in to look at it every now and then, and it doesn't seem to have changed much.

And also, do you still post on it?


I ventured in last night...i may visit on occasions, but see this as home now :eek:


New Member
Yep, I look semi-regularly, even post there sometimes. :eek:

Though I do seem to be spending more and more time over here, it's more homely and less hostile. :blush:


Legendary Member
I still use it. As a beginner, there's a wealth of knowledge and I'm not going to be snotty about it. I like it here lots, it feels more like home, but BR will settle down in due time. I bet you'll all be back in time :eek:


Über Member
I still go in to have a look but not really keen on it. Just ended up having a rant at Mrs Hugo15 about some fool who posted about about a dint in his mountain bike wheel......... in the road section! I ask you! Oh, there I go off again.
I have a pedal in both camps as there is no axe to grind. (How about that for a cycling mixed metaphor?)

Be friends. Life is too short to be upset about a web forum.
(Ok - so we will not be visiting that iffy MTB section but...) :eek:


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
I have been know to post the odd comment, but the place just isn't the same since most of the regulars left.


New Member
I only look I don't touch. Anyway it doesn't work at all well with my Firefox setup - I only see the first post in a thread and then a load of heiroglyphs. So I've got to use IE.

However, right now they have 114 users on line and there are less than 20 here. This often seems to be the case ie approaching 10:1.

I know there's more to stats than just stats ( :eek: ) but this kind of numbers disparity suggests to me that maybe those of us who think this is a better forum need to work a bit harder to keep critical mass.


Legendary Member
It's better on the eyes than it used to be and I've been looking in the race section over there for the last few days. I also can't stop myself from posting on threads about cats or food either.
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