Why don't people have their drops at a useable height?

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Ming the Merciless

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Doesn't matter what kind of bike you get, you're bound to have some setup to do to get a basic fit out of the box. If you are going to be doing regular rides of any great distance, then wearing bike-specific clothes is bound to improve your comfort. and having saddle and bars at an appropriate height will help your efficiency.

I was in my mid-fifties when I started riding regularly - using a road bike for commuting - but it didn't take me long to have my bar tops about 4" below the saddle and I ride mostly on the brake hoods, but I do get down on the drops when going faster than normal.

Or you can ride a recumbent and be done with all this crap about bike specific clothes and fit this, fit that.


Legendary Member
Or you can ride a recumbent and be done with all this crap about bike specific clothes and fit this, fit that.
Surely it's only crap in the individual's mind? Whatever one rides one needs suitable clothing, it's just a question of what that clothing is. I'd also imagine a recumbent has to be set up for the individual?

I've had a couple of fun goes in a recumbent. If I was in one for several hours I'd want to wear something other than street clothes.


Legendary Member
Only got 'drops' on a couple of bikes nowadays, find 'Bullhorns' a lot more comfy,

Nope. Front ones provide feet rests for small passengers. Rear ones have red blinkies on them. 👍

My Xtracycle has a set on the luggage rack for similar purposes, salvaged from a truly awful Supermarket Special a friend was chucking out.

I still haven't figured out how I want to positionmy drop handlebars. I just figured I was doing it wrong and left it at that.
I spend most of my time in the drops. On my Claude Butler the tops are just below saddle height and I have compact bars. I just like the feel of the drops. My summer bike, Vitus Venon has exactly the same bars but have a bit more drop due to head tube height. Since I first had a drop handle bar bike at the age of 13 I have always used the drops, I guess it is what I have been used to. I do have neck issues but have gotten the handlebar height right as I don`t usually suffer when riding. You just have to ride what is comfortable for you. If you are not comfortable you will not ride well as many would testify. I think that even the pro`s would be uncomfortable if they rode constantly in the drops, but then their saddle to bar drop is a lot greater than the average cyclist. Comfort should always win.


Legendary Member
If you mean padded shorts, that's not bound at all.

Padded shorts are good - I wear them most of the time. However, they're not essential. On longer runs you'll need clothes that don't chafe, will wick the sweat, and are appropriate for the weather you're riding in. Lots of sports / outdoor clothing fits this bill, but cycle-specific fits it best if you do a lot of cycling.
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