Why is moderation handled privately?

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Almost all moderation is handled privately to avoid embarrassing forum members. Reminders and warnings are sent by Alerts or Personal Messages so only you and the moderators see them. The moderators keep records of their actions so the administrator can review the messages, but these records are not shared with other members.

In keeping with this privacy policy, if you post in the forums asking why your post was moderated, your post will be removed. The answer to "Why was my post deleted?" is usually because it violated a Forum Rule or was a quote of a post that violated a forum rule - but we will also delete posts that are off-topic, negatively aimed at other members, or are likely to re-trigger personal disputes that detract from the main course of the discussion. If you want a further explanation use the Contact Form so we can be perfectly frank and discuss your posts and forum record.

Moderation privacy does not mean that moderation is secretive or mysterious. The rules are posted for all to see. We'll discuss any aspect of your moderation with you and explain the reasons for any moderation action you question. Each moderator sees the actions taken by the other moderators, so no moderator acts in a vacuum. The administrator oversees and reviews the moderators to make sure moderation policies are followed.
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