Winter cycling, visibility or reflective?

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Yorkshire based
During the winter months, there is obvious quite a lot of rain. What's good for protection against the rain other than a waterproof jacket and overshoes? Do people just ride in shorts still? Do people tend to wear waterproof gloves or normal gloves?


Bird Saviour
if you gotta choose between one or the other, always go reflective. hi viz can get swallowed up by city lights and car lights and low winter sunlight. reflective strips will always stand out when head lights hit it, particularly on your legs because they are moving.

my winter kit is hi viz top and black tights with reflective strips on them. my black overshoes also have reflective bits on them.

don't rely on it though, never presume a driver has seen you just coz you look like a giant yellow blob with reflective bits and lighted up like a Christmas tree. .
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