Wish I'd known that!

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Legendary Member
Forgot about clipless


A Big Bad Lorry Driver
For months I rode the bike with under inflated tyres, It does make a big difference when they have the correct pressure.
Ive got a MTB and for a few years just used the knobbly tyres it came with.. when it was time to change them I fitted hybrid tyres, WOW what a driffence and now use the bike more then ever ^_^


No longer a Specialized fanboy
More one for the winter....

When cycling in low sun, remember that your shadow points to where people are being dazzled by the low sun. (through a dirty windscreen)

If the sun is behind you, casting a shadow in front of you then on coming traffic will have a hard time seeing you and may do a right turn in front of you.


Random Resident
Whilst riding eat often and keep drinking , especially in cold weather when you just don't feel like it.


Nr Cambridge
As a beginner what was the best piece of advice or tip have you ever had?
When tweaking nipples, overshoot by about 50% before returning to the desired position... ;) I'm talking wheel truing :whistle:

What's the best bit of kit that you ever bought that you cant be without now?
Thermal skin suit. Warm & good fitting over a massive temp range without movement restriction...


Active Member
Bib shorts AND leg warmers.

If you are going to put the warmers on before the shorts then make sure you have privacy, otherwise you look like you're in the Rocky Horror Show!



I don't mean this in any way to be disparaging of the much good advice that is available, but I'm very glad that when I started cycling, no one gave me any advice. So I just started pedalling and got on with it. I cycled round my university town in whatever clothes I happened to be wearing ... then I started cycling longer distances on the same bike wearing the same clothes ... then when a mate and I decided to do LeJog, I just wore pretty much the same clothes, and I didn't even have toe clips let alone clipless. No one had told me it was complicated or technical, so it wasn't. I'm pleased to benefit from lots of good advice now, not least from some of you, but I'm even more pleased that my introduction to cycling was as uncomplicated as possible - just get on and cycle somewhere, anywhere, anywhere that takes your fancy.
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