Women's 3/4 length tights

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New Member
Why oh why is all my cycling kit destructing at once, it's been an expensive month. I went out on my road bike and realized my specialized tights were getting very opaque, hope the lads at the bike shop didn't notice. :blush:

So, now I'm on the lookout for some womens' 3/4 length tights - I have to wear this length all year round as I need them to cover my knee supports and anyway, I hate elastic on my thighs for some reason. I looked at dhb but they only seem to do a 3/4 bib short (not keen on bib shorts and it takes ages to go to the loo. :whistle:) Minx do several pairs, but I can't afford much over £50 at the moment, as I've already had to buy new tyres and a helmet. I'll be using them for longer distances too so the pad needs to be good.

Can anyone recommend a pair? Thanks.


Cycling Excusiast
I really like my Endura ones - they material is quite thick and the padding is comfy.


Senior Member
I love my Sugoi RS Knickers (horrible name, great product) Really comfy, excellent padding. I've done a 60 mile ride in them with no problems at all. I got mine in a sale on tinternet for £50 althought the RRP is £90 :ohmy:. Tbh, I like them so much though I am considering paying full price for another pair.

Edited, they're not at all thick mind, they're intended for summer use, but they are very flattering, even my stumpy legs look quite nice :biggrin:


Legendary Member
I got some nice Vermarck ones on eBay for £15, thin though, light padding. The only issue is that they only have XXL so unless you are a size 16-18 like me... :whistle: Think I'll get another pair as they are cheap and comfy and I am not sure I will get another pair of women's ones to fit chunky old me!


New Member
Thanks all!!

I'm after thinnish ones which I can wear in the summer too, so those Sugoi ones look nice if I can find them at a decent price, my husband would have a fit if I spent £90 on tights. :biggrin: I had a look at the endura ones and was a bit worried they might be too thick for summer - I have gore windproof tights for winter/autumn so that's sorted.


New Member
i like this website


they do good quality stuff. i've never had their 3/4 stuff but if their "3 season" tights are anything to go by, they will be nice and cool for the summer.

thanks, will have a look! :thumbsup:


Openly Marxist
Polaris She-Quartz. Duff name but they're a nice soft fabric, simple clean lines and not too heavyweight. Tho I find most 3/4s a bit much on really hot days. They'll be cheaper than the Sugois.


New Member
I just used the Wiggle 15% voucher to buy a pair of the gore 3/4 length, so hopefully they'll be sufficient. ;) I have the gore long windstopper leggings for winter and they're great, so I'm sure these will be fine.

Thanks for all the suggestions anyway.:hello:


New Member
Well, sadly to report, the gore contest tights chamois pad is the most uncomfy I've every had the misfortune to wear. It's not even comfy for my short 10 mile loop. Damn, I'm now stuck with uncomfy tights for the summer as I can't afford another pair till autumn. :sad:

Fiona N

Possibly a silly question but why not just take the pad out of an old pair of longs/shorts/whatever and replace the one in the Gore knicks?
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