Worst 'Artists Impression' in local rag - Photoshop fail....

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Black Country Ste

Senior Member


In the interest of public safety, I created a simulation to determine what would happen if the area was to flood (ignore the giant floating blob of water)... the results are startling!
As you can see from the animation, cyclists are likely to be the only survivors in such circumstances!

Bridge.png Blender.png

(I have had to drop the quality of the scenery and water by a fair bit... it would take a day or so to render from my laptop otherwise)
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In the interest of public safety, I created a simulation to determine what would happen if the area was to flood (ignore the giant floating blob of water)... the results are startling!
As you can see from the animation, cyclists are likely to be the only survivors in such circumstances!

View attachment 42083 View attachment 42084

(I have had to drop the quality of the scenery and water by a fair bit... it would take a day or so to render from my laptop otherwise)

bike pee.jpg

Sorry but it is not very realistic is it, so i called the proper artist and they came up with a new artists impression of flooding.

(note the shark fin so beware of the dangers within flood water)

The enviroment agency will be down there in a few months to sort it out tho.
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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
View attachment 42092

Sorry but it is not very realistic is it, so i called the proper artist and they came up with a new artists impression of flooding.

(note the shark fin so beware of the dangers within flood water)

The enviroment agency will be down there in a few months to sort it out tho.

In the interest of public safety, I created a simulation to determine what would happen if the area was to flood (ignore the giant floating blob of water)... the results are startling!
As you can see from the animation, cyclists are likely to be the only survivors in such circumstances!

View attachment 42083 View attachment 42084

(I have had to drop the quality of the scenery and water by a fair bit... it would take a day or so to render from my laptop otherwise)

Fantastic very realistic rendition of both, I must say


Internet Marketing bod
In the interest of public safety, I created a simulation to determine what would happen if the area was to flood (ignore the giant floating blob of water)... the results are startling!
As you can see from the animation, cyclists are likely to be the only survivors in such circumstances!

View attachment 42083 View attachment 42084

(I have had to drop the quality of the scenery and water by a fair bit... it would take a day or so to render from my laptop otherwise)

Scariest thing I've seen since watching 'The Blob' when I was a kid.


Legendary Member
In the interest of public safety, I created a simulation to determine what would happen if the area was to flood (ignore the giant floating blob of water)... the results are startling!
As you can see from the animation, cyclists are likely to be the only survivors in such circumstances!

View attachment 42083 View attachment 42084

(I have had to drop the quality of the scenery and water by a fair bit... it would take a day or so to render from my laptop otherwise)

Thanks - I'm sure I'm not the only one feels a lot safer now.

Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
In a sense, we are all bridges. Notice how the perspective in the picture is skewed, the depth of field is incorrect. Now, I know what you're thinking, it's clear that the artist explores the relationship between Pre-raphaelite tenets and life as performance. With influences as diverse as Camus and Roy Lichtenstein, new insights are crafted from both traditional and modern dialogues. What starts out as yearning soon becomes finessed into a manifesto of lust, leaving only a sense of dread and the possibility of a new synthesis. As intermittent forms become transformed through boundaried and critical practice, the viewer is left with a testament to the darkness of our future.

Or the intern at the Bristol Post slap-dashed a rubbish photoshop and buggered off down the pub.
That's far too comprehensible Glenn....you'll never make it as an art critic if you write like that:biggrin:
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