Worst time to get a puncture...

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Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
... is when you've done your back in and bending / crouching is agonising.

Happened to me yesterday and made my back much worse. This morning I had trouble bending enough to put my socks on! I swithered as to whether to ride to work or not but in the end I decided that I would; being on the bike eases the pain somewhat.

Guess what? Got another puncture en-route near Fettes Police HQ, made worse by:

1. The brand new tube I put in firing the valve innards way off into the dark when I was pulling the pump off after getting the tyre back up to riding pressure. Left me with a tube with a hollow metal tube poking out of it...

2. Realising that my other spare tube was still holed as I hadn't patched it at home last night because my back was too sore (I just lay on the sofa with my back against a hot water bottle feeling sorry for myself!).

3. The lampost I was working under going off just when I really needed to see what I was doing.

4. The rain starting just as I was attempting to dry the rubber solution to patch the holed tube.

5. Realising that the fold-down foot on the Road Morph pump has fallen off somewhere since the previous day.

Still, managed it all in the end and then slowly straightened by back up to a standing position so I could wheel the bike back into the road and get on it. Made it the rest of the way without any further incident.

A big raspberry to all of the joggers / cyclists / police who passed me over the course of 25 minutes and never once checked to see if I was OK / needed a hand (despite me hobbling about like a cripple and struggling to stand up after squatting over the wheel as I put the tyre back on the rim). *Harrumph*


Waiting for the great leap forward
The middle bit
Sorry goo but the bit about the light going off just made me laugh out loud.
Hope your back's better soon.

You now need to go back to the area and check for CCTV cameras. The footage would be priceless...;):biggrin:

(P.S Hope the back improves!)
Them dam polis; they must have left a trap for you ;-)

The worst time IMO to get a p'ture was just before Christmas. It had been my last exam and I went to the pub for a couple and for a change I did limit to a couple :blush: My bike was at Napier Uni; the back roads were treacherous so I lifted my bike up the stairs to Colinton Road, whilst doing so I failed to spot the drawing pin somebody had left for me :rolleyes: Changing a tube at -4 deg isnt that fun. Looking on the bright side it had been over 7000miles since my last pture on that bike I hope its 7000 till the next. Oh an it might be a coincidence but for the last year I'd been carrying a presta spare (the tyres are actually Schrader) and had finally bought a spare shrader tube and a couple of weeks later that happens.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I laugh because i had similar a few weeks ago on the way to night shift in the freeze we had.

Double flat and i have 1 tube so i attempt to repair the other but the glue will not set as its to cold and the pump decides not to fit on the good tyre so i have to phone the mrs who is only 5 miles away and she take 45 minutes to find me, by which time i am pissed of because i have told her exactly where i am am and i am getting the onset of hypothermia.

Today's flat only 2 miles from home by comparison was ok as it was warmer and i decided to walk and change at home rather than muck about :blush:
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