Worst weather for ages

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Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
If you live in the southern half of the UK (roughly south of a line from the Humber to the Mersey), tomorrow's forecast is dreadful as well. 2-3 inches of rain and gales. Marvellous. And it will be my birthday- doom :sad:
Still, only about another 7 months or so of this then it'll be Spring!!:biggrin:

- Baz -

Active Member
Yeh,headwind for me too......hate wind !!!!
Same here - had to pedal downhill this morning... There is no such thing as a tailwind - Oldham Road into Manchester is weird - always a headwind on the way in and always a headwind on the way back. Still, missed the afternoon downpour so not all lost.

Keep telling myself not to be so much of a wuss and MTFU. Can't get out of the habit of checking the weather forecast though.

August? - more like November. Whatever happened to the summers we used to get when I was a kid?


Cycling Skoda lover
I would rather do battle with the weather ( even wind ) than be stuck in a car in a jam,has everyone noticed the traffic getting worse this week ? Have some schools gone back ?? my kids are still off.
Near Cambridge
Well the wind was incredible today, absolutely blowing a gale.
Down to 12 mph felt like cycling home all up hill, great for the legs, but still beats the car !

Weather has just gone mad !
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