Worth reporting?

Was I in the wrong?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • No

    Votes: 14 93.3%

  • Total voters
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Über Member

Before (out on a 15 mile round trip, proper chuffed!) I was cycling here, and on the right is a school with a T junction. There were 2 cars waiting to pull out. One did, after seeing me and was easily out in time, and the one behind was a taxi. He looked, saw me, waited then pulled out just as I was level with the junction, and I had to swerve and he carried on oblivious. Down the road I caught up at some temporary lights (bloody awful things) and knocked on his window, and this ensued...

Me: Just mind yourself next time, you nearly knocked me off at the junction you just pulled out of

Him: Oh, it's alright, I saw you and left enough room

Me: No, you didn't, I had to swerve to avoid you

Him: I saw you, there was no problem, I was outside the white line

Me: So, if I was a car, would you do it?

Him: No, there'd be no room to do it

Me: So why do it to me? Treat cyclists as a car, that's how we end up dead because people don't look where they drive

Him: I saw you though

Proper irritated at how he thought nearly killing me was justified by saying he'd seen me. That also brings me to my next question - how do i report him? He wasn't on video (too poor to afford a decent cam), but I got his plate, but I'm not sure how to report him, and if it's even worth it.



Well-Known Member
Stockton on Tees
The usual roundabout arguement with someone who can't accept they were wrong by the sound of it. As far as reporting it goes, I suspect the cops will not want to know (no evidence, his word against yours, no witnesses etc.) but might as well give it a shot?


Resting in suspended Animation
I don't see how you are in the wrong. The lines mean give way and you have priority. If there is an accident it is 100% their fault unless there is some factor on your part. This is what lanes and line markings are about. He was basically worried he wouldn't be able to take you before the double whites I am guessing and knew this perfectly well and then he would be committing an offence if you were doing 10mph.

I don't think it's worth reporting. I think he knows he was a little naughty from the conversation.


Active Member
If he works for a Taxi company ring them up and complain to the company. If he doesnt work for a company and is self employed just drop it. As a motorcyclist as well as a cyclist I would say this kind of thing happens every time I go out, just chill and act like it never happened, nothing you can do about idiots on the road except be wary of them. :thumbsup:


A Dizzy M.A.B.I.L
You could report him to the licensing authority that issues his taxi plate...One complinat might not do a lot, but it will stay on his record & if they've had complaints before/or recieve more it could result in him loosing his badge


You weren't in the wrong - he was pushing his luck. Taxis often do, although they do tend to be good at judging it because they drive in traffic a lot and can't afford to have their car off the road. As said above the taxi licensing authority expects a certain standard from drivers and would be the route to go if you decided it was worth reporting it.


Large Member
I see it's a Liverpool taxi. The council used to have an online form for making complaints against taxi drivers, but it was taken down a few months ago - as was Merseyside Police's version of RoadSafe which has been "under maintenance" for about six months :angry:
Its quite common IME for cars to pull out of a junction with a cycle coming and stay to the right rather than pull right into the lane. Unpleasant but not dangerous as opposed to the ones that don't see you and pull out into the lane with you. Not worth reporting - its a he said she said situation as far as the police will be concerned and nothing happened. If every incident where a vehicle had to swerve was reported and acted on they would have time for nothing else.


Über Member
Bugger. I fear I've just selected yes on your poll instead of no.:blush:
Very sorry as I really meant to select No.
Very tired atm due to first child (4 days old) keeping me up all night.

Sounds like a typical taxi driver (I do realise there are very good taxi drivers but like cyclists/motorists etc the few do give the majority a bad name)
I was coming back from the hospital with my daughter & wife and was driving very considerably when I saw a cyclist approching me in the opposite direction. A taxi driver came up behind him and when we met the taxi forced his way between the cyclist and me. This caused me to utter the first swear words infront of my child which I really didn't want to do starting on day 4!:blush:

I would follow funnymummy's advice and report the driver to the licensing authority.

Again sorry for the yes vote.


Its quite common IME for cars to pull out of a junction with a cycle coming and stay to the right rather than pull right into the lane. Unpleasant but not dangerous as opposed to the ones that don't see you and pull out into the lane with you. Not worth reporting - its a he said she said situation as far as the police will be concerned and nothing happened. If every incident where a vehicle had to swerve was reported and acted on they would have time for nothing else.

on the other hand, if everyone did, then maybe there'd be enough complaints for people to like drive properly..

its chancing it driving like he did, and he wouldnt like it if he was on the recieving end from another car.

'its okay, i could see you' oh great, you can watch as you hit me... thanks...


New Member
Personally I would let it go, no-one was injured, in his opinion it was perfectly safe, in yours it wasn't, what would/could the police do?
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