Would this be a better response to left hooks?

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That relies on the vehicle actually being enough past you that you can avoid the incident. I know from my recent hit I didn't stand a chance and I'd done nothing wrong.
Sorry to hear that, and I hope you are ok.

Yes, that's the sort of incident I am talking about - and it looks like it happens way more than once a week. Altercation above was Friday morning. Last night, in heavy rain, heading west on Chiswick High Road an Addison Lee van overtook me and immediately pulled into a parking space. Rain always makes it more exciting - lengthens my stopping distance and asks more of any cars I need to pull in front of.

So that's twice in 90km of cycling. I guess Brains is on the money - 56 miles.

(Also on Chiswick High road last night was a the car in front of me that indicated from the right lane that they wanted to turn left, but didn't change lane until I waved them through and another that hung weirdly on my rear wheel without indication but then turned left. They got big waves from me. And presumably many others that turned in behind me correctly that I wasn't very aware of. But it only takes one bad egg)
There are a number of left-hook hotspots on my commute. Worst of all is heading North on Clapham Common South. But it happens at such high speed that you'd stand no chance of getting anything to them. Best to use a harpoon.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
There are a number of left-hook hotspots on my commute. Worst of all is heading North on Clapham Common South. But it happens at such high speed that you'd stand no chance of getting anything to them. Best to use a harpoon.

That spot is particularly bad.
I always pull out of the cycle lane on the approach, so I either block them from being feckwits, or else can get overtake them as they slow to the turn.

My motto, as always: Overtake me properly or not at all.

btw, Gaz. I thought I'd spotted you the other night, but it wasn't a Univega, so I was too shy to say owt. You got a new bike, or a doppelganger?

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Thanks for the feedback.

If I am the common factor, it must be my appearance that made him think that he can ride rough shod over me. I'm riding a bike with 16" wheels and I'm a woman (my username is based on initials).

Jeff (or Ms Jeff!) Glad you didn’t take offence but it is a question worth asking yourself, I can see that you have given this consideration and from the additional information you give, I cant see much that I would have done differently.

Even a long eye contact look probably wouldn’t do a lot of good as the driver truly believed he was in the right so would have just “stared” at you as he carried on. That said, I would still try this on the approach as it will “sometimes” help

What I would suggest is that you don’t go down the ticket\handout route, I believe it will make no impact and may put you at risk of an escalated incident…plus you’ll add miles to your commute as you detour to catch up with errant drivers.

I’m sure rear ob’s is the key here, not leaflets.

Good luck
Cars waiting at junction... you have two options:

NEVER EVER go up the Left hand side.

Personally I don't care if the law says I have to use the bike lane on the left to get to the ASL..... Going up the left is just dangerous, bike lane or not.

Depends on your local knowledge.

.... on my commute there is an ASL, ans the bike lane leads up to it.


There is a set traffic light sequence that is entirely predictable.

If traffic towards is flowing there is a 90 second window, if trafic is from the left then you have about 45 seconds, if the traffic is from the small parallel side road than you have some 20 seconds.

If the traffic is from the first two then there is no reason not to use the cycle lane and ASL
Jeff (or Ms Jeff!) Glad you didn’t take offence but it is a question worth asking yourself, I can see that you have given this consideration and from the additional information you give, I cant see much that I would have done differently.

Even a long eye contact look probably wouldn’t do a lot of good as the driver truly believed he was in the right so would have just “stared” at you as he carried on. That said, I would still try this on the approach as it will “sometimes” help

What I would suggest is that you don’t go down the ticket\handout route, I believe it will make no impact and may put you at risk of an escalated incident…plus you’ll add miles to your commute as you detour to catch up with errant drivers.

I’m sure rear ob’s is the key here, not leaflets.

Good luck

AirZounds work as well!
It may sound defeatist, but I don't believe anything really works. I reckon I get cut up more when I'm in my car than I do when I'm on my bike, some people are simply poor drivers, others (like me) make mistakes on occasions.

Especially when I'm on my bike, I just assume everyone's liable to do the dafter of their choices and I try to prepare accordingly.

the reluctant cyclist

Über Member
He: "I saw you. I knew you were there. I indicated. You slowed to let me turn"

I got really badly left hooked about 5 years ago and I went after the nice lady and asked her why she had done it - she said almost the same as this ^^

She implied that I had "indicated that she should overtake me"

For the last five years - seriously - every time I got past that spot I wonder how on EARTH I gave her the impression that I was telling her to overtake me and then turn in front of me?!

What I was actually doing was turning to see what the hell SHE was doing!

I'm really fasinated to see that some other idiot driver seemed to think the same! :wacko:


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
I always pull out of the cycle lane on the approach, so I either block them from being feckwits, or else can get overtake them as they slow to the turn.

My motto, as always: Overtake me properly or not at all.

btw, Gaz. I thought I'd spotted you the other night, but it wasn't a Univega, so I was too shy to say owt. You got a new bike, or a doppelganger?

I'm now commuting on a Pearson Touche, blue fixed gear bike.
Sometimes i'm in a world of my own but i shall sell hello if i see you in future.
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