Would you believe it?

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Graham O

New Member
Approaching work this morning, I was about to turn left into work and saw an on coming car indicating to turn right into the same entrance. Made eye contact, she saw me but just turned in anyway, forcing me to brake. She then dithered around the car park and eventually found a sign to follow.

Was I surprised? No, because every day we get the naughty speeding motorists coming to our site for their speed awareness course. And yes, she is one of them. She is now next door hopefully bored out of her skull and regretting the fact she was doing 35 in a 30 zone. The observation skills of some of the course attendees takes some believing. Even walking around the building with big signs telling them where to go, they still get lost. Numpties, the lot of 'em!

Even worse is when the course is over. I try not to be leaving at the same time as them. They forget what they just been told as soon as they turn their engines on.


OH man, that's priceless! LOL!


Legendary Member
Only yesterday I heard on the radio an article about how new traffic lights were being used over here when a traffic light turns green. They are flashing orange filter arrows.....

The reason? Many people at traffic lights don't remember(?) that when you turn across an oncoming stream of traffic to enter another road or driveway, you're supposed to give way.

I kid you not, sad but true. Sometimes I despair over the USA population's ability to concentrate (or not).

Graham O

New Member
Told to me by the organiser of the speed awareness course.

A naughty driver said that he wanted to come on the course but with 9 points on his licence already, he was worried about being done for speeding while driving to the speed awareness course!


Mr Pig

New Member
Nigeyy said:
Sometimes I despair over the USA population's ability to concentrate (or not).

My sister lives in The States and she's often told me about how hopeless many of their drivers are. She says the roads are miles wide and signs huge because the drivers are too thick to deal with anything less.

I think the driving test is far too easy. We all know people who should never have been let loose on the roads.


Legendary Member
Why so surprised ?

We just had a discussion at work. My colleague and myself are well motivated, and try to do the best we can at all times...whatever the task. Its part of the reason we both have responsible, good jobs.

We concluded that 90 % of the workforce are not motivated, have no common sense or brains. Lazy in every way in life.

You can therefore apply this to everything in life, driving, gardening, work, relationships....everything

I work on the principle that most people are useless...until proven otherwise.
I also forgive them their uselessness. They know not what they do. Theyre shackled by uselessness. :smile:

The sooner you realise that, the more at peace you are with the world.
gbb said:
Why so surprised ?

We just had a discussion at work. My colleague and myself are well motivated, and try to do the best we can at all times...whatever the task. Its part of the reason we both have responsible, good jobs.

We concluded that 90 % of the workforce are not motivated, have no common sense or brains. Lazy in every way in life.

You can therefore apply this to everything in life, driving, gardening, work, relationships....everything

I work on the principle that most people are useless...until proven otherwise.
I also forgive them their uselessness. They know not what they do. Theyre shackled by uselessness. :smile:

The sooner you realise that, the more at peace you are with the world.

Good that they are really, otherwise they'd be after your job!


Graham O

New Member
gbb said:
Why so surprised ?

We just had a discussion at work. My colleague and myself are well motivated, and try to do the best we can at all times...whatever the task.

Some people are certainly stupid, but perhaps some of us rely on people like you to keep us out of the sh*t while spending time on our bikes. God, if it wasn't for a few committed people in this world, I'd have to work harder! :smile:

Mr Pig

New Member
gbb said:
I work on the principle that most people are useless...until proven otherwise. I also forgive them their uselessness. They know not what they do. They're shackled by uselessness.

Good principal, I agree. Just because you're an idiot doesn't mean you're not a nice person.


Legendary Member
gbb said:
We concluded that 90 % of the workforce are not motivated, have no common sense or brains. Lazy in every way in life.

You can therefore apply this to everything in life, driving, gardening, work, relationships....everything

I do hope you are not passing judgement on the population as a whole on the observations of your company workforce.
I have met many people who were not wholly enthusiastic in their full time employment for a variety of reasons, but positively shone in other fields of activity.

Mr Pig

New Member
snorri said:
I have met many people who were not wholly enthusiastic in their full time employment for a variety of reasons, but positively shone in other fields of activity.

I'll be honest, that's not what I find. People who work hard keep working hard when they get home.


Legendary Member
LOL, i realise my generalisations are a little insulting, but only in a light hearted way.
You can quickly recognise peoples weakness's, we all have them in one area of life or another. But dont dismiss a person just because you disagree with one facet of his behaviour.
This is the most important thing...forgive them their tresspass (whatever it is):tongue: They're probably nice people underneath.
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