Would you buy a new bike online?

Would you ever buy a new bike online?

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I've always bought at my LBS - wherever I was at the time.

My latest purchase was slightly more expensive than online - I could have saved £30-£40 - but their service is great and I've been getting a 10% discount on all other purchases since.

I've been back for lots of other items - things like tubes, bottle cages, saddle bag etc - each item was about the same as online prices (some exactly, other slight dearer) - but throw in the discount and the ability to see the items and I think it's worth it. Simple things like seeing the different saddle wedge bags and being able to stick it against the bike, check the mini-pump fits in etc - well worth the extra quid it might have cost.

I'm also acutely aware that having a helpful LBS in town is not a guaranteed thing - when I moved here there were two LBS's and Halfords - and one LBS has since gone under :angry:.


Legendary Member
While I like to give the LBS as much busines as possible, I did buy a 2nd-hand Mercian Audax Special on e-bay this year. No regrets - it's a lovely bike and a bargain at the price.


New Member
I did, had no choice as it was through our places CTW scheme, got it thought Wheelies who I have to say were excellent, very helpful, couldnt ask for more but it was a toss up between a large and x large, I went for the X large and it was just too big, they took it back and exchanged it no problem as it was partially their advice based on height but I felt to stretched so got the large, felt to stretched on that so just changed the stem to a shorter adjustable/one.

I would feel guilty using the LBS to try for size really, they are helpful so I feel I should give them the custom, even if a little more expensive but bike wise it will have to be online again on the next one, just because thats the only option and the savings are too big to ignore.


the tank engine
J4CKO said:
I would feel guilty using the LBS to try for size really, they are helpful so I feel I should give them the custom, even if a little more expensive but bike wise it will have to be online again on the next one, just because thats the only option and the savings are too big to ignore.

I think most of us agree with, if you get advice from them, buy from them. I wouldn't have the same issues with a bike chain (such as Evans) though.

already asked this, but other than, Evans Cycles, Wiggle and Chain Reaction Cycles, what other big online bicycle shops are there?
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