You Must Hear This

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Mr Pig

New Member
I was inspired by the 'Time For Music' thread. Isn't music wonderful :0) So I thought I'd introduce some of you to a delightful band called 'The Divine Comedy', the work of a brilliant singer-songwriter by the name of Neil Hannon. Few bands combine such beautifully crafted songs and arrangements, filled with heart warming humour and honesty, with impeccable musicianship and clarity of delivery. I hope you'll take the time to let Neil's songs in, you'll smile more as a result :0)

Bad Ambassador: (My wife loves this song)


National Express: (It's a bus...)


Charmed Life: (For anyone who has children)


Happy Goth:


Songs Of Love: (Yes, it is the theme for Father Ted! ;0)


Everybody knows that I love you:

In Pursuit Of Happiness: (recognise the break?)


Gosh, I'd better stop now! ;0) But I could go on all day. Hope you enjoy some of the songs :0)
Where have you been for the last 10 years!!

Yes great. Refreshingly original in this plastic world.

Not so off beat but today's nearest is Richard Hawley.

My top undiscovered band is ...


They did this song years before it was mad a hit by someone else. Original is miles better.


New Member
The divine comedy are an excellent band, in small doses. Neil Hannon's obvious genius can become a bit suffocating in the same way that Prince's can.

Google 'Something for the Weekend', one of my favourite songs ever. Belting tune coupled with nonsensical lyrics, yet it all sounds perfectly sane. Only David Bowie can pull off similar tricks.


Cake connoisseur
Abitrary said:
Google 'Something for the Weekend', one of my favourite songs ever. Belting tune coupled with nonsensical lyrics, yet it all sounds perfectly sane. Only David Bowie can pull off similar tricks.
It's a great song, brings back a lot of memories - and inspired in part by the book "Cold Comfort Farm".
Mr Pig

Mr Pig

New Member
Abitrary said:
'Something for the Weekend', one of my favourite songs ever.

Yes, I have that. Casanova was the first Divine Comedy album I bought, I think it's my least favourite out of all of them. Obviously I thought it was good or I wouldn't have bought any more! ;0) I was in a record shop that had all the vinyl up stairs, in the days when few people were buying it so there was no one up there. A young shop assistant came, or was sent, up to 'babysit' me as I flicked through the record bins and the guy put on 'Casanova'. After one song I asked him what it was and bought it.

If you like that you should buy 'A Short Album About Love'. It's got a similar style but I think the songs are better and the orchestral instruments are used in a much more mature fashion. 'I'm all you need' is one of those songs you listen to and immediately want to play again turned up louder to revel in the swelling orchestral arrangement that underpins Hannon's perfect vocals.

'Regeneration' is maybe the most rounded album, although rather different to the two mentioned. Sparser but full of great songs. 'Absent Friends' is also great. He has a brilliant knack for writing songs about everyday things but capturing the essence of what makes them matter.
Mr Pig said:
I don't know what you mean by that?

I don't care how old music is. I love Jim Reeves, Kasabian and The Smiths, they all make the same feet tap.

Sorry Mr P - It just seemed that you had discovered something that has been around for a long time - sort of wow have you heard the Beatles sort of thing.

I will admit to being a bit stuck in the past too (as I am an old git) but I try to keep open to new stuff. It is easy to dismiss new as, like always, it is 90% crap, but in there are some real gems (back to Richard Hawley) mixed in with it.

Not sure I can stretch to Jim Reeves, but Ray Charles' version of Yesterday is magic (60s top trumps)


New Member
You've just taken me back to 1996 and starting University. Divine Comedy played at the student's union. Great night!
Mr Pig

Mr Pig

New Member
Over The Hill said:
Sorry Mr P - It just seemed that you had discovered something that has been around for a long time

But I haven't just discovered them, I've liked them for years.

I don't have a favorite period as far as music goes. I still listen to and buy current stuff. My wife jokes that I introduce my teenage son to music that he should be introducing to me ;0) Always plenty of good music around.
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