Your rides this year: 2014 Review of the year.

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I've been very lucky this year as I only had two days were I couldn't ride due to being bitten by a horsefly, and even that had a positive as I got to sit in front of the telly and watch the entire coverage of the first two days of tdf.

Riding wise, at the beginning of the year I targetted15,000 miles for the year and to do the metric century challenge and to do 300 miles every week, plus I wanted to do a 2,000 mile month and finally a 500 mile week.

Jan 1st saw me do my January metric century. The weather was absolutely horrid and I nearly quit the ride, but I struggled on and finished it.

Then for some stupid reason I went and did an imperial century and decided to have a go at that monthly challenge.

Today saw me complete the imperial challenge and break 19,000 miles for the year.

I managed to do the 2,000 mile month and did two 500 mile weeks and so far have done 300 miles each week with one week to go.

I only had one crash with a car which resulted in the bike being written off, this gave me the excuse to buy a Tricross (and I also replaced the crashed bike)

The weather for the vast majority of the year was fine which helped get the miles in.

All things considered it has been pretty much a perfect cycling year for me.

Happy Christmas to all and those who have been/are ill, fingers crossed for a better year next year.

Apologies for any typos, posted this on a tablet and I just can't get used to the thing.

19,000. Chapeau to you. Amazing stats. Well done


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
2014 has been my first full calendar year of cycling since taking it up and if one thing stands out, it's the realisation that I've found something which is enjoyable, addictive, motivating and keeps me fit - four things I was missing in my life! ...
My exploits this year, as much as anything, have given me motivation for 2015.

My highlight is easy ,buying my first bike for 20 plus years in September And rediscovering the sheer joy of riding


When there are so many wonderful and heartwarmingly positive contributions to the thread such as these, it's irritating that some people feel the need to make snarky comments about 'bragging'. For me, threads like this are about celebrating the cycling we've done and how our achievements relate to our personal goals, not what anyone else has done - and we're such a diverse bunch that those achievements and goals will vary hugely.

That said, chapeau indeed @Supersuperleeds - that is some seriously impressive mileage.


Legendary Member

When there are so many wonderful and heartwarmingly positive contributions to the thread such as these, it's irritating that some people feel the need to make snarky comments about 'bragging'. For me, threads like this are about celebrating the cycling we've done and how our achievements relate to our personal goals, not what anyone else has done - and we're such a diverse bunch that those achievements and goals will vary hugely.

That said, chapeau indeed @Supersuperleeds - that is some seriously impressive mileage.

Thanks, i'm very lucky that I commute and have the time to extended it. I've said on other threads that targets are personnal and that one persons 5,000 target can be harder than another's 15,000. Anyone who gets on a bike gets my admiration regardless of distance, speed etc.


Senior Member
South Norfolk
Started riding in July, currently ridden 749 miles. I am saving hard to buy myself a road bike in the new year, just a tiny bit excited. Have once managed 30 miles, and aim to do at least 60 once before my sportive planned in August next year.
I am enjoying the freedom and solitude, and like this week where I haven't been able to get out, withdrawal.
Also enjoying spending money on me, my bike, my kit without feeling guilty.
Trying to get out a bit more despite the weather, and not being a fair weather rider.
Enjoying looking at all the bikes as people ride by.
Having a shared common interest with the husband, as we are having a hard ole time of it at the moment.
Looking forward to our trip to Yorkshire in May, where we will be riding lots.
Onwards and upwards, good luck to everyone.


Well-Known Member
I bought my first road bike this year in March after much umming and ahhing about it.
I started out by doing 20 miles, then 30 miles. I then heard about the Isle of Wight Randonnee and did the 100. I found out about Audax and have done a 100k round the new forest which almost killed me. 140k Hungerford Hooray in blistering sun (especially the bit across Salisbury plain) and a 200k up in the midlands.
I have done two night rides one from Oxford to London and then Reading to Lymington, although I peeled off at Southampton on that one. They were both good with really nice people on them.
I have loved seeing the countryside and just being out in the open air.
I curtailed the cycling in the autumn as I was ill. Luckily the doc had found out what it is and I should be cycling again after the festive season. I certainly need to as I have signed up for a 200k in April.
So it has been a good first year. Hopefully next year I will knock off the pounds I've put on through the non cycling and illness and I am hoping to do a 300 or possibly 400k.
Who knows.

Ian A

Über Member
Not done anywhere near as much cycling as I would have liked to but tackled a couple of long time ambitions this year.

Did Etape du Dales which was nice.

Watched the TdF go through where I grew up, walking from my parents house to watch the race on the Sunday. Pretty special weekend.

Three weeks later rode up Alpe D'Huez for the first time along with another two mountains as part of the long course triathlon that's held on the mountain. I've wanted to ride up Alpe D'Huez since I was a kid so really enjoyed the few days I had in the Alpes. Didn't have the time (or the legs!) after the race to tackle Galibier before I came back so that's a future appointment added.

Completed my first ironman triathlon. Obviously not a cycling only event but it was in Wales which includes one of the tougher cycle routes for an IM branded event. Choppy sea and hilly run didn't help either!

Did all the events in rubbish times but with the lack of training this year I'll take the finishes as a positive result.

Doing lots of multi sport next year but I'll really be focusing on the cycling side of things which is the part I enjoy the most. Still consider myself a cyclist first but it takes so much time out of a family evening/weekend.

The best part is my children are really enjoying their cycling now. We've started to ride to different local places we would have previously driven to and they are starting to enjoy cycling for the sake of cycling.
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2014 was, for me, a fairly anonymous year on the bike.

I didn't really set much in the way of challenges for the year, as I started the year with an injury (which I still have, but am able to work around), and annoyingly, due to illness and personal circumstances, I didn't get round to riding nearly as much as I would like - although I did complete a few Strava mileage challenges which is always nice...

The highlights for me were mostly involving the fine people of CycleChat, whether it be:
- @Fubar 's epic Islay jaunt
- @MikeW-71 inviting the CC Ecosse brigade down for a Borders bimble in scorching sun
- @mcshroom 's night ride from Carlisle to Newcastle (You're riding it next time. no excuses!)
- Hoofing around Arran with @Louch and letting him beat me on climbs (he lied, vigorously)
- Organising a forum ride around the Tay :surrender: which for the most part went more smoothly than I could have hoped ( with apologies to @GBC )
- The standout day for me, however, was the fantastic Highland Perthshire Challenge with @ShooglyDougie, @Louch and @Harry_Palmer79, which has been expounded on at some length elsewhere

Non CC highlights:
- Fighting against wild weather on Arran which, for various reasons, perfectly suited my mood at the time and provided necessary catharsis
- Riding from Glasgow to Dundee, because why not? (Because it hurts, that's why not.)
- Riding 100 miles from Tayside to Braemar and back, over the Cairnwell Pass. Great day for it and was really pleased with the relative gain in my climbing ability.

Outwith the realms of cycling, 2014 has been a largely rubbish year for me. Next year will be better. The cycling event calendar says so :hyper:


Well-Known Member
City of Culture
Highlight for me?
Easy, meeting up with many old friends on the frnttc finale, it's been too long, hopefully many more cc rides next year.
Other highlights....
Stage 1 Leeds to Harrogate
Holme Moss 4 times in 2 days
Port de Bales
Col d'Aspin
All above on fixed gear.


Convoi Exceptionnel
Quedgeley, Glos.
Highlight for me?
Easy, meeting up with many old friends on the frnttc finale, it's been too long, hopefully many more cc rides next year.
Other highlights....
Stage 1 Leeds to Harrogate
Holme Moss 4 times in 2 days
Port de Bales
Col d'Aspin
All above on fixed gear.
Chapeau, Sir!


Legendary Member
It's been a good cycling year for several reasons.
1) for the 3rd year running I've been working away from home from Monday to Friday, but that has meant I've been able to choose where I stay each week, which is determined at least in part by where I get the best cycle commutes to the office. In July I discovered a new place that gave me a variety of commuting routes between 11 and 15 miles through some lovely and varied countryside, and I've enjoyed these rides right into December.
2) In the summer I was able to fix my working hours so I got one early evening a week for a long ride. Starting from Coventry I got as far afield as Banbury, Oxford, Cheltenham, Great Malvern, Cannock Chase, Melton Mowbray and Oakham (Rutland), and generally ended with a train back to the Birmingham area. I look back and have the impression of endless long light evenings and great riding.
3) Also starting from Coventry I've had one evening a week riding into Birmingham for an evening class, and sometimes riding back again later. This has given me my fill of urban riding, and some fine after-dark rides this autumn.
4) I finally got onto a couple of 'proper' Fridays rides, from London to Whitstable and Bognor. Very enjoyable, and meeting (again) some of the London CCers.
5) @ColinJ 's ride through the Trough of Bowland in March, along with some fine solo rides the next day. I got to put a few names to faces of the northern CC contingent.
6) a Saturday ride in September organised by fellow Cambridge CCer @Dave 123
7) a few rides in Bavaria and Austria in the summer including my first (tiddly) Alpine pass
8) and another year of really enjoyable Sunday rides with my local cycling club
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Perhaps This One.....
I'll take the positives from this year, and try to forget the negatives that left me in more pain than I ever imagined possible. A series of hospital stays saw me reduce my target from 3000 to 2000 miles for the year, but I'm happy to say that, with a little effort, I think I'll hit 2400 (55.5 miles to go..).

Best ride is a tough choice. I love cycling with the kids, even if they are short rides or utility runs to the high street, so these are up there on the list. But as a 'proper' ride it has to be what was going to be a group ride that turned out to be just me and Dad. A wonderful 2 hour amble around new places for both of us (despite living in the area for 35+ years), and the opportunity to just meander along chatting about nothing in particular. Impossible to put a value on it:smile:

Worst ride, a recent 25 miler in the afternoon which took the fist 8 - 9 miles to get the legs warmed up and working properly. I was constantly looking for the quick way home those first miles as it didn't feel 'right', and that made me nervous:sad:

But, what started as a means to try and get a bit of fitness, to stay off the fags, has become my hobby. I've discovered the joy of road bikes, the fun of MTB's, rediscovered going shopping on a bike. N+1 is always in my mind, so now I have discovered a CX bike which is a great idea, and opens up so many routes to me that were not there before on skinny tyres, and allows me to mix fast road riding with a muddy towpath all on the same ride.

Roll on 2015


Legendary Member
Not as many rides or mile this year as last year. I think. I stopped recording the mileage.

High lights. It was a great summer. I did four 100+ milers
The Ride London Surrey 100 (85 mile-swim-on-a-bike).
Rode and saw the some of the Tour of Britain
Got my Dawes Kingpin ridable and did some rides on that.
N+1 Mountain Bike
Did my first Mountain Bike night ride
Did one of the FNRttC to Whitstable. Love that ride, its a shame they won't be happening again.
I've cycled up one the "100 Hills to Ride" 3 times (Streatley bastid Hill)
I've enjoyed my cycling this year.

EDIT: I have just collated this info;

Minutes Riding:
1154:41:42 Miles: 2177.89 Elevation Gain: 79751 Average Speed: 12.057

Edit again! I had a comedy crash too.

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It is so good to hear these stories.
Here are mine.
March: One week in Portugal in Alentejo region covering about 400 Km. Absolutely love it.
July: One week cycling from Vienna to Prague on the Greenway
November: Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama over 2 weeks

But the most important is that I have continued to cycle to work no matter what the weather is. I used to be a fair weather cyclist who give up cycling on the first sign of winter. Now I actually enjoy my commute to work in rain. I find it very therapeutic.
No road bike, no commuting, no tarmac bashing to make up the miles, so all rides are mainly off road, on beaches in sand dunes and on canal tow paths. I live in the flat lands of the north Cheshire plains and because I drive 35,000 miles a year with work I can't be bothered driving to the hills too often at weekends, (hence the rubbish height)

Distance 5002 miles
Time 479h 34m
Elev Gain 130,938 ft
Rides 181

Several bike packing trips
Liverpool - Leeds on the canal in under 9 hours 30 mins
Stafford to Liverpool off road via Derbyshire
Hitting my 5000th mile yesterday, after only doing 4200 miles in 2013
Proud to have being asked to be the Brand Ambassador for Travers Bikes for his Titanium range of 29er+'s and Fat Bikes (see below)
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