YouTube adverts these days

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Legendary Member
London, UK
a Lot of adverts that I get targeted with seem to be selling crap, but with good slow motion footage and kick ass music. It’s supposed to really get you excited but like George Carlin said, America is great at selling bullshit.

Then again, maybe all adverts are like that but I notice it more on YouTube coz that’s where I waste most of my time.

Chris S

Legendary Member
I don't think some of the ads I've seen on Facebook are legal, decent or truthful. I just take them as a warning to avoid the product.


Legendary Member
London, UK
Its not that I dislike getting adverts (these YouTube guys have to make money) but more the style of the adverts. Some common themes I get are:

Cue sob music. Some guy gets fired from his company. He gets a bunch of people together and design a revolutionary product in one or two months. The music now gets really upbeat as they sell the features of the product and tell you about the introductory pricing.

Another commercial theme is rocking music from the beginning, with lovely videography, a lot of it in slow motion, and a bunch of people (who all seem to be in their early 30s) opening up a box and saying such things as
Wow I can’t believe how light it is.
Wow I can’t believe how good it feels.
Wow and yada yada....

It’s almost like there is a template out there and you just fill in the blanks to create an advert of your very own.

Handlebar Moustache

Well-Known Member
YouTube have really torn the ace out of it recently with adverts. Multiple non skippable ones especially. Quite frustrating. Is there an adblocker app for smartphones by the way?


Heavy Metal Fan
I seem to get the one about poaching quite a lot. I don't mind the adds really, it's free after all and I watch YT more than I do TV. At least it's not like other TV channels where 1/3 of the show is ads.
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