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Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
If one of my children, with their child’s account, were to have their avatar permanently stationed at the top of AdZ on a never-ending, never-going-anywhere ride, could I just keep joining them again and again to accumulate XP on the descent?
I do believe so, yes. Feel like giving it a test?


If one of my children, with their child’s account, were to have their avatar permanently stationed at the top of AdZ on a never-ending, never-going-anywhere ride, could I just keep joining them again and again to accumulate XP on the descent?

I wonder if there is a 'timeout' on a ride, and if so, what it is?


Illegitimi non carborundum
Camden, London
If one of my children, with their child’s account, were to have their avatar permanently stationed at the top of AdZ on a never-ending, never-going-anywhere ride, could I just keep joining them again and again to accumulate XP on the descent?

It’d kind of skew your mileage though wouldn’t it? It’s no big deal unless it bothers you. But I think my OCD might put in a formal complaint!


That's quite clever for speeding up points or I could get a bot to ride at 40,000 Watts. I remember Bkool had a bug where you could ride around the velodrome at over 100mph :laugh:

Del C

I was actually thinking of PM’ing you last night to see if you fancied another go at the Surrey hills this year. But I think Bob as well as a few others would fancy it too so figure I might as well mention it here. Maybe March / April? Really from a selfish point of view I want to start filling rides in the calendar as summer prep. But it’s obv a great day out on its own. @Del C maybe?

I’m not sure who else lives within driving distance.

Yeah I'd be up for this.

Got to go outdoors sometime. I can check out a new hilly track for us to walk up! :laugh:

Peter Salt

Yorkshire, UK
Update Baby:

Big feature is of course Scotland - but we can't ride it until the events in Feb.


Legendary Member
Thinking of doing Flat is Fast at 5:10. Probably a really stupid idea after last night but hey ho.

Well I managed it. My legs did complain a bit after Tuesday's ZRL but not too bad.

It was a quick event - I finished in the front blob, about half way down the 70 odd in it. @Brusgaard beat me by 0.2 seconds :okay:

Day off today. Z2 on Friday and Tiny Races 3pm Saturday.


Über Guru
Skive, Denmark
Well I managed it. My legs did complain a bit after Tuesday's ZRL but not too bad.

It was a quick event - I finished in the front blob, about half way down the 70 odd in it. @Brusgaard beat me by 0.2 seconds :okay:

My HRM didn't pair in time (wish one could pair that during a race!), so will have to redo the stage. Most likely Friday afternoon...
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