Am I just turning into a big sap or

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do any of you ever get emotional while watching people doing things for charity?

My Mrs done a 10k run on Sunday. I dropped her and her pal as close as I could to the start line, parked the car and wandered up to see them at the start line. I was amazed at the buzz about the place and it was quite exciting watching it. There were thousands doing it. I had a good spot near the start line and watched all the different coloured bibs go by. The serious runners at the front etc..... The people at the back though were the ones I had total admiration for though

I was totally surprised at myself though at the tears welling up in my eyes as i watched a lot of people walking past where I was standing heading up to the start line that were doing it for personal reasons. People with t-shirts on with pictures on and charities for example

5 woman/girls with a picture of a young teenager on it with 'daughter, sister, best friend, niece, cousin' Cancer reasearch

10 guys with obviously one of their babies with her short life's date on it, doing it for leukemia

I could go on and on with examples but I must say I was so humbled by the whole thing to be honest. These people were obviously not fitness freaks by any stretch of the imagination but fair play to them, one and all.


Ditto Sunday Leukemia Research Southend Bikeathon. It was the wind in my eyes tho'. :thumbsup:


>Am I just turning into a big sap

Give yerself a slap boy ! your a man not a mouse !!!!

Stiff upper and the likes..!


New Member
Last weekend I was working in the pub. We had a 50th birthday party. The bloke is not 50 until later in the year, but he might not be around then.
The bloke got up on stage and calmly thanked all his mates for arranging and paying for the party and the 3 weeks with his family in Barbados. Not a dry eye in the house.
Was it the great yorkshire run in sheffield? We were staying in sheff on saturday night and it started beneath our hotel window. So we woke up looking down on loads of people doing warm up aerobics! They also tested the PA at 6am...


No it was the Great Scottish Run in Glasgow. A 10k starting at 9 and a half marathon at 10.30

Kirstie said:
Was it the great yorkshire run in sheffield? We were staying in sheff on saturday night and it started beneath our hotel window. So we woke up looking down on loads of people doing warm up aerobics! They also tested the PA at 6am...


New Member
The only emotion I feel about charity events like fun runs is wonder. I wonder why people are more inclined to give to a charity if someone performs a stunt like a run or a cycle ride. My charity giving is entirely independent of how many fun runs etc that people do. It's by direct debit.


Über Member
simoncc said:
The only emotion I feel about charity events like fun runs is wonder. I wonder why people are more inclined to give to a charity if someone performs a stunt like a run or a cycle ride. My charity giving is entirely independent of how many fun runs etc that people do. It's by direct debit.

Would you describe yourself as a charitable person Simon?


your missing my point. This isn't about what charities you give to, how you do it and how much you give and how big a man you are!

I was mearly pointing out that on a Sunday morning a 9 o clock standing in the middle of a city watching people wearing t shirts with a dead relatives on them was quite emotional.

To call it a stunt IMO you are out of order! The majority of the people were just trying to raise awareness. They weren't running about with buckets forcing people to give them money!

simoncc said:
The only emotion I feel about charity events like fun runs is wonder. I wonder why people are more inclined to give to a charity if someone performs a stunt like a run or a cycle ride. My charity giving is entirely independent of how many fun runs etc that people do. It's by direct debit.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Well hat's off to the 'wobbly bobs' that did the 100k Christies ride in Manchester on Sunday - brave souls.

Many were certainly not freaks like us keen cyclists -


Cake connoisseur
Greedo said:
I was mearly pointing out that on a Sunday morning a 9 o clock standing in the middle of a city watching people wearing t shirts with a dead relatives on them was quite emotional.
I've done the "Race for Life" before, and it was very emotional. It was overwhelming to see just how many people had been affected by cancer in some way and heartening to see that many people out trying to do their bit. It was a great atmosphere.


Kirstie said:
It's quite cathartic doing it if you have been affected by cancer. It's a way of giving something back to the people who help you and your loved one out, as it is a pretty grim experience all round.



I once did a parachute jump for charity (multiple sclerosis) and an abseil down Leicester Royal Infirmary (British Red Cross). Loved it!
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