CC Relay LeJOG

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pre-talced and mighty
aahhhhh!!!!! I'm almost overcome with nostalgia!

As for Brizzle - no problem. Lands End - Bristol - Weymouth - Portsmouth and so on....


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I quite like the idea of being a human baton! Looking at the CC member map, it would be a long lonely leg in northern Scotland though.

I was trying to decide whether it would be better to basically do a tour of the UK coast, and dip inland to pick up adjacent counties, or zig-zag across the country on the way up or down. I think I prefer the idea of a meandering coastal tour.

Blimey - I just started plotting a very rough route and it looks like it would end up being about 6,000 miles! That would be some undertaking as one tour. Perhaps be sensible and split it into several shorter tours?

Anyway, it's just a fantasy for now. Maybe it's something to treat myself to when I'm 60. 6,000 miles at 60, I like that idea - it gives me 5.5 years to prepare for it!

[Sorry for the thread hijack Garz, back to you! ;)]


Squat Member
No problem Colin, the last few days at work have been intense so I not had much time to read/post. Your enthusiasm is great and the idea has some pull to it. Dont worry about the negative comments as they will happen however I think we have enough positive forumites to get this done come the nicer weather!

All counties will make it much longer and very tough to plan. I think we keep these ideas flowing though as they attract the right energy required but maybe focus on something a lot simpler to start with until we are happy in agreement.

I will think of it some more tomorrow when I actually have time for once on a brew break!


and I have the/a Southern jersey, will get it moving in the new year

and this will never happen unless it's kept really simple whic rather defeats the grand scheme idea of it all


pre-talced and mighty
A comedian whose name escapes me, asked for company on a cycling journey around the UK from gig to gig. He was overwhelmed by the response, although his route was nothing like 6000 miles.


Tynan thats a bit deafeatist . Mobilising troops is a problem but we do have groups placed in strategic points across the uk , im sure they could organise their own leg of the relay. Keep talking Garz i like it.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
There is no one within a 100 mile radius  for me to organise with!
They ride 50 miles to meet you and you ride 50 miles to meet them, and then you both ride home again? ;)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Then next weekend I cycle 50 miles in the opposite direction, but there is no one to cycle 50 miles to meet me.;)
I knew there was a flaw in my plan somewhere...

Okay, you ride 50 miles out to get the 'baton', ride 50 miles home and get a good night's sleep because you are going to need it. The next day, you ride 273 miles to hand over the baton, and then take a 146 mile 'shortcut' home!

To be that far away from everyone else, you must be in NE Scotland, surely. (You don't me calling you 'surely' do you?)


Squat Member
Sorry guys, another busy day ensued so didn't get time to think. It would be a nice achievement giving the CC riders something to reflect upon, I personally don't think it needs to be epic or too unique.

The sticking points apart from the logistics last time were what to use as the baton, and would the baton be gps so we can see the journey in better detail?
Hello chaps.

I like the idea of this ride and have a thought to chuck into the pot.

There is always likely to be gaps in the route, I live in Milton keynes so could cover quite a lot if bases from here, but also have mates dotted about the country with whom I could stay with if they tally with the gaps in the rides.

I am also looking for excuses to get away and ride different routes to my usual so wouldn't mind the odd long drive (I'm a salesman so am used to it) if the route needed it.

If I am in this position, maybe others are too.

Looking forward to seeing the route!

Cheers, UHS


Active Member
London, UK
I love the idea. And am willing to participate on the nocturnal bit around London if there is one. Or even during the day. Hell, at this point, I'd even sign up for a few days off at some point during August (July is all booked out already) or September, since one of my goals this year was: "cycle a bit outside of London and see some of THIS countryside..." (admittedly, I'd probably not get much more than 150m done in 3 days...)

Two birds, et al....

It's possible that there are people around the country who could help with sections of the route planning - why not leave bits and pieces to the individuals who agree to ride them, and then it's 'merely' a case of coordinating calendars for baton passes (human or otherwise).
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