I'm only getting to sit down now as I've just finished putting the kids to bed.
That was a very enjoyable ride. Here is my wee take on it:
The day started well, with the sun blazing in through my bedroom window. A quick look at the weather forecast suggested that it should at least stay dry and not TOO windy, YIPPEE. After carb loading at breakfast it was off to the train station arriving a leisurely 15 minutes early. It was at this point that I noticed that I'd left my phone charging at home
. I was supposed to be the main contact point. So began my first attempt at a TT. I made it back just in time for the train, but only because I was on my go faster bike. Phew.
On arrival at Linlithgow a motley crew had already started gathering on an assortment of bikes. Some crazy folk even turned up in shorts. Its true what they say about Scottish men's legs turning blue over the winter....
With 11 souls itching to go, we set off with the steady hand of HLaB at the helm (he had the GPS that he couldn't see with his sunglasses on...) and we hit the first hill. Why, oh why, do people build hills at the start of cycle rides? It was a fair hill, but all managed it to the top, despite a few false summits, to be treated to a nice view of the Forth (ok as nice a view as you can get anyway
). Then came the downhill......wheeeeeeeeee
. It was fun, despite the Land Rover holding us up. At the bottom we stopped, and whilst all grinning we swaps maximum speeds. 39.3mph was mine.
We then worked our way back on some undulating roads through some nice countryside, I was even treated to a young horse running alongside in field atone point. Spring was well and truly in the air (it was sunny!!!
). We only got lost once as well, as HLab refused to remove his sunglasses. Someone buy him a nice colour GPS for Christmas.
Finally we arrived back in the kingdom of Linlithgow for a quick biscuit and juice stop, whilst some minor running repairs were taken care of (brakes are important apparently).
HLaB then proceeded to force us on further for a second loop down towards the Forth. This time it was downhill and with a tailwind most of the way until we stopped a castle/ship thingy (it had me fooled) for our break in the sun.
Photos were taken, including a photo from an up and coming new photographer with her snazzy little pink and purple camera. Hopefully as she grows older she will find subjects a little more pleasing on the eye for her portfolio!
More biscuits and jelly dinosaurs were eaten and discussions varied, but mostly revolved around the subject of how old we all were, especially goo. (Happy birthday tomorrow old man!). Finally we dragged ourselves away from the sunshine and banter to head back towards Linny, and the promise of food and beer. Of course this section was mostly uphill and into the wind!
We all made it in one piece (except Tete, who was concerned that we would see him running a red light again, so he stayed away from the toon). Light lunch and beers were served at a local pub, and further banter on the subjects of how old we all are and a bit on cycling, ensued. As we left the pub we all promised to do it again sometime (May?), so long as out bikes were still chained up outside. Amazingly they were, although I thought for a moment that my front tyre had been nabbed until I remembered I'd left it in the pub....
Many thanks folks for a great day out. Lets do it again!