FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast - Whitstable 5th October

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Dog on a bike
So....how'd it go?
Well I'm slightly ashamed to say I bailed. There were about 30 odd of us and no one seemed to mind the rain much, However I just wasn't feeling the joy of it so as we passed the Woolwich Ferry I turned for home. I was cold, wet and very close to my bed which swung it really. :sad:
Time to ride.

EDIT: @Ceepeebee Whyfor did it take you so long to return from Plumpstead?
My route was more a dog-leg than a crow-fly I think as I was not entirely sure of the best way to do the latter. I usually go through the parks etc which wouldn't have been sensible. Also the stupid loop I did when I went slightly wrong and went sight-seeing through the salters road estate...


Dog on a bike
2080409 said:
One can't help but think that, if only you had some f***ing armwarmers, you would have been all right.
Sorry Adrian, I was too cold, too wet and too close to home.

I think armwarmers would have just added two wet, cold, clammy things to the equation


.......its sounds grim

For some, it was.
Heros. Each and every one of them. I salute them all with the salutiest thing within my immediate reach.
For one other, not so grim.

....If it helps, I've just woken up and can confirm it's not raining.
The rain is SE London stopped at around 04:45. DAHIKT

I'll leave it to those who braved the night, to fill in the details.


I got home at 12.45pm or thereabouts. I cleaned washed the bike because it looked so disgraceful my dirty hallway carpet would have protested. Transferred the mudguards back the SS and am now charging the batteries. I was going to try to stay awake til normal bedtime but the body is about to take control and shut down.

The ride started wet, continued wet and ended dry a mere few miles from our destination. I learned that waterproofs are bollocks after an hour or so, a complete change of clothing makes riding in the rain for 8 hours bearable and that I can actually squeeze water from my gloves whilst wearing them, in sufficient quantity to make a cup of tea (albeit a very small one).

I also discovered I can ride for hours in the rain with like-minded, good-humoured people: ie people who are completely insane to think a night ride in the pouring rain is normal! Those that continued until the bitter end. Hardcore or what? :cheers::thumbsup:

To Tim, his missus and her group. Cheers loads for the food and heat. I hope someone took pictures of our wet clothing etc strewn around the hall and our footwear at the door ^_^. That's got to be one for the archives.

A shot of whiskey in my tea, along with a hearty breakfast made for a great restorative. Unfortunately the rain killed my desire for breakfast beer but that might be restored on the Burnham ride (unless heavy rain is forecast in which case I'm paying up but staying home).

And so to bed........................

I think Whitstable may well become my favourite ride.


slower but further
SE London
An absolutely ghastly night. My very worst FNRttC. And I would not have missed it for the world.

The facts are simple. It rained solidly for 7 hours. No clothing can withstand that and most of us were soaked through within two. My lowest point was Erith - depressing enough on good nights. I was cold, I was wet, I was miserable. But there was no point in turning around - Deckerorium was no further with food and drink and return trains. We pressed on with gritted teeth. Leaving urbania after Gravesend the pace quickened and the hillocks required more energetic peddalling with warming consequences.

Arriving at Strood I was still wet and miserable but not quite as wet and miserable. Having stood it for four hours it seemed possible to endure another four. Not really logical but fancy thought was not on the agenda. We arrived at Whitstable as the skies cleared and sun shone over the sea.

Still it was still, for me, a horrible ordeal. A chance to deal with one's inner demons with the one delicious thought that within a few hours I would be in a dry, warm bed. Nirvana.

I guess the others all have different ways of dealing with it. There was another bonus. I found one piece of kit that took it all and kept one part of my body dry and warm. A salute to Goretex oversocks. So ceepeebee ditch those leaky seal skins!


Cycling Excusiast
Well done for those that made it to the coast - I look forward to reading more when people have caught up on sleep and write their reports.
An absolutely ghastly night. My very worst FNRttC. And I would not have missed it for the world.

The facts are simple. It rained solidly for 7 hours. No clothing can withstand that and most of us were soaked through within two. My lowest point was Erith - depressing enough on good nights. I was cold, I was wet, I was miserable. But there was no point in turning around - Deckerorium was no further with food and drink and return trains. We pressed on with gritted teeth. Leaving urbania after Gravesend the pace quickened and the hillocks required more energetic peddalling with warming consequences.

Arriving at Strood I was still wet and miserable but not quite as wet and miserable. Having stood it for four hours it seemed possible to endure another four. Not really logical but fancy thought was not on the agenda. We arrived at Whitstable as the skies cleared and sun shone over the sea.

Still it was still, for me, a horrible ordeal. A chance to deal with one's inner demons with the one delicious thought that within a few hours I would be in a dry, warm bed. Nirvana.

I guess the others all have different ways of dealing with it. There was another bonus. I found one piece of kit that took it all and kept one part of my body dry and warm. A salute to Goretex oversocks. So ceepeebee ditch those leaky seal skins!

They're in the "not to be used again but won't throw away til the next big clear-out" drawer already, I think it was those that broke my spirit tbh, my feet were like blocks of ice when I got home, burning in fact. After the puncture got fixed (thanks again Tim, you cleared it quicker than I would have done by a factor of about five) I got back on the bike, the water was sloshing in my shoes and I gradually realised along the road to Woolwich that if I went much further I'd be really really miserable so took the sad decision to bail.

Solo-ing home was an odd experience (especially when Miranda popped up at Surrey Quays), it was dreadful but the quiet roads and conditions had me imagining I was on a breakaway on Liege-Bastogne-Liege or something.

Well done everyone who got to the end, really, that was an awesome effort.
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