FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast - Whitstable 5th October

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Strange it may be, but I'm sorry I missed this.

I did manage to get to HPC, but at Victoria had noticed a slight bulge in the rear tyre. Taking a closer look when at HPC - a couple of small cracks/splits were starting to appear but it was a 15mm slit that decided it. It would not be sensible to chance this on such a night. So I turned around and headed home.

Well done everyone who completed it, sorry I missed the beers, next time.


Silencing his legs regularly
Back home just after four.
Jeez, what a night.....waterlogging sadly seems to have included my Garmin, which successfully logged the FNR despite assorted weird glitches, but has since descended into something akin to a Windows BSOD. Hopefully it'll be OK after a drying out.
More to follow.


Back home just after four.
Jeez, what a night.....waterlogging sadly seems to have included my Garmin, which successfully logged the FNR despite assorted weird glitches, but has since descended into something akin to a Windows BSOD. Hopefully it'll be OK after a drying out.
More to follow.
I'd recommend removing the battery (if you can) - (of course you can - it must've got in there somehow....) in addition to 'drying it out'.
Same goes for DZ's phone


Reading that, and knowing that some of the others who opted to bail weren't, like yourself, exactly 'lightweights' makes me have the utmost 'spect for all those who embarked on last night's ride - regardless of whether or not they reached the destination.
I couldn't hack the forecast, and other stuff to do had transpired on Friday PM - so bailing earlier in the week wasn't so difficult....


2081186 said:
Thanks but I shall continue to beat myself up for being a bit of a lightweight for a while.
Your weekend's recreational activity is entirely your own business.
I have to live with being a scam ridden fraudster (never mind the 'liar and a thief' bit) who has been pulling the wool over everyone's eyes for far too long, and now that it has all come out into the open it is obvious that behind the facade there is a cold wind blowing.
You were saying...


Senior Member
Well there have been a few epic rides this year already and this one can now rightfully join the list!

The forecast was promising rainfall of biblical proportions. That never actually happend, which I guess was of some relief and comfort to us but it was nevertheless the kind of persistent heavy rain that eventually gets right through whatever you were wearing and soaks you to the skin. I had always thought that my altura evo jacket had been pretty good in the wet, but I had never given it this sort of a test before, which unfortunately exceeded its capability. As to gloves and shoe covers, well don't even get me started about them. Is there such a thing as a waterproof pair?

The air temperature, while not exactly tropical mercifully stayed just high enough to avoid causing any really serious damage. If we had had rain like that on one of our colder rides we would have been looking at hypothermia all round and I am not sure any of us would have made it!

The roads were surprisingly quiet, presumably as all sensible people were already in bed. We made steady progress initialy and were not trying to break any speed records as it was felt that we were behind the worst of the rain! I am not entirely convinced about that, but hey we we desperate and in need of some sort of plan! Surrey Quays gave us a brief respite but also probably started to sow the seeds of doubt in peoples minds as well that there may possibly be a better way of sdpending a friday night!

Then the punctures started, predictable enough on a wet night but depressing non the less. I had actually made a last minute change of bike for this ride, moving over to the greater puncture protection of my tourer (mudguards being the other attraction on this mount) just to try and avoid the pain of changing a tube with cold and wet hands. Anyway as you might imagine, all the visitations were dealt with in the usual 'all for one and one for all' fashion and eveyone maintained their sense of stoicism, even when Simon had a near ride ending experience, going through three inner tubes before getting one to stick.

We then had a less savoury event to deal with when riding through Woolwich and encountered a group of young drunk males whothough it was great fun to jump out in front of passing cyclists to un nerve them. After several near misses, the enevitable happend and there was a collision, with poor Eddie hitting the deck and there ensured a brief stand off between some of us and the group. The treat of the police eventually dispersed them, Eddie was shaken up, but remained in one piece and we were able to continue. They were complete idiots and it was all very annoying and dangerous, someone could have been seriously hurt. It was a hard enough night anyway without that to deal with as well!

I seemesd to loss all sense of time after that. It was far to wet to even think about digging around under my waterproff to see the time and I was amazed to find that it was good half four when we eventually made it to Stroud. We got an amazing warm welcome from Tim's wife and her volunteers who had been waiting patiently for us for some time and who provided a great spread. We were all literally quite washed out at this stage, so no shame for those who deceided at this stage that the night was over and headed for the train.

The rest of us girded our loins again and headed onwards. Rumours that the rain was going to stop at around five proved to be just a rumour and it was still lashing down. We almost lost Tim D at this stage whose back wheeled failed, but being the man he is, he nipped home, changed bikes and then caught us up again. What an effort that was, to have a perfectly valid excuse to slip between the sheets at home but to turn that down and get out there again. It was that sort of a night!

We tried to pick up some speed over the last haul into Whitstable, but the night had taken its toll and it remained a long slog only brightend up by the rain eventually stopping sometime after seven. By the time we eventually hit the cafe, at around Nine, there was a blue sky and some hint of warmth in the air. I am not sure that I have ever been quite so pleased to reach a destination!

We had our usual hearty breakfast, indoors this time! beers were just being poured as a few of us headed off for our groupsave home on the HS1, which wisked us back to Stratford in just over the hour. It had passed through Stratford on the way up to HPC about 14 hours previously! I did cycle back last time from Whitstable, but this time I was very happy for the train to take the strain!

My wife, if she had any doubts before, now thinks I am completely bonkers! She may have a point!

Thanks to everyone on the ride for the support that we gave each other. Tim, please pass on our thanks again to your wife and her colleagues who looked after us so well at Stroud. Where would we be without those the endulge our madness!

I am going to have to miss the last two rides of the year, so this will be my last one for a while. What can I say other than am looking forward to next year already!


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Being an old and stringy thing that suffers from the cold, I'm really glad that I didn't put my name down for this ride. I know I wouldn't have made Wetstable; I'm trying to work out whether I would have bailed at Woolwich Ferry, Plumstead or Hellvedere. Deptford probably, because the ride goes past the end of my road.

As User10571 said, respect to anyone who embarked on this ride.


Silencing his legs regularly
I'd recommend removing the battery (if you can) - (of course you can - it must've got in there somehow....) in addition to 'drying it out'.
Same goes for DZ's phone
It's an Edge 705, so the battery is not ordinarily removable. It gradually seems to be restoring to normal operation- lost all the ride history (so had to guestimate stats for yesterday and today) but is at least switching on and off. Fingers crossed, it might be OK.....


Silencing his legs regularly
2081428 said:
I've gone for that setting as well.
We noticed ;)
What a ride this may have been! I had been so looking forward to it - I haven't seen TC for ages nor User482 since even longer ago - last year sometime. A ride of 72 relatively flat miles to a great breakfast overlooking the windfarms floating on the horizon in the North Sea in true FNRttC style. What's not to like? Absolute Fabulous.

In the days leading up to it, I read the weather forecasts, saw the numbers in DZs list reduce, assessed my wardrobe and fitness - remembering Bury Hill :eek: - and I couldn't stop thinking how much fun it would be to catch up with peeps on a great ride. Unfortunately I didn't take into consideration the temperature. I was not wearing enough layers and neither my bicycle nor my feet were sufficiently dressed to stave off the cold. My butt was soaked to the skin by the time I reached Victoria Station which made me colder and colder.

The atmosphere at HPC was the fabulous anticipation of a great night ahead with a slight "this is going to be interesting" concept. It was great to see TC, we missed Agent Hilda but knew she was in the right place, (hopefully getting better by the minute), there were some of the fab faces from LonJoG I havent seen for a while with other new ones and it all seemed to be the makings of a great night. People had travelled a long way to be here and I was determined to stick with it. Besides, the Strood Village Hall has set a standard of Stopsies I didn't want to miss.

We headed down Constitution Hill, I was cold, then down Parliament Square and I became colder. The rain just drizzled on us all and I realised that I was surrounded by many peeps wearing full wet weather gear, bicycles carrying luggage and Sm£$Dguards. To top it off - His Leggship was wearing Longs. Really, he was! That's how badly I misjudged my the weather as my footwear and leggings were soaked through. My new jacket was also being put to the test - time will tell, I thought.

The reality is that next to no luggage is great in the summer but in the winter I needed back up. Spare leggings, overtrousers, socks - just extra layers to deal with the cold, none of which I had. So inevitably, somewhere near Plumstead I caught up with George and asked him how he was. He was in the same deluged state as me so reluctantly, truly reluctantly, we made our apologies to DZ and headed back to London. It was very demoralising, I didnt sign up for this ride to bale from it but it beat me. I kept thinking how weak-willed I was being, would DZ ever just head for home because he was cold? No, he wouldnt and I am extremely sorry for being such a wuss.

George and I rode the most direct route home - our heads down into the rain eventually going via the Tesco we had left an hour earlier which is where we saw Ceepeebee who was also heading home. After our Tesco trip we made our way to Elephant & Castle, the top of the A2 and onto Vauxhall's one way system - none of which are to be recommended in such poor visibility with acres of empty road being seen by the late night drivers as a Scaletrix opportunity. It was grim. It took about an hour to get home and another hour to dry out. 4 hours cycling totalling 28.5 miles in a lot of water.

The only piece of good news is that my new jacket is both waterproof and windproof. Wowser! I was wearing a baselayer under it which was bone dry. Amazing! My mistake was not checking the temperature to ensure extra layers were added, particularly on a flatish ride when things like Turners Hill and Ditchling Beacon arent there to raise the body temperature.

Slowly but surely I will suss this wardrobe thing. Arallsopp once told me that by carrying a rucksack that's an extra form of layering in itself. To avoid the wet butt - SKS and other £%!$£guard options are being considered. Not as a permanent fixture but as a one-off for when the rainfall is on a par with the Daintree Forest (Queensland, Australia).

So thank you DZ for doing this regardless, even wearing Longs. Thank you to Decker Tim and your wife's band of brill peeps, so sorry to have missed you. Well done everyone else for going for it and well done to those of you amazing peeps who actually made it to Whitstable in quite diabolical weather conditions.

I took some pics - not least to show how wet it was as we huddled under canopes outside Tesco and in bus shelters!



  • Rendez Vous at Victoria.jpg
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  • Huddling outside Tesco in Canada Water.jpg
    Huddling outside Tesco in Canada Water.jpg
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  • Sheltering in a Bus Shelter.jpg
    Sheltering in a Bus Shelter.jpg
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Miranda - did you two hit that, frankly F***ing huge expanse of standing water in Woolwich? I ploughed through it (riding in front of a stream of boy racers was the alternative) and ended up so wet that I may have been laughing somewhat hysterically as I ploughed on to Greenwich...


Mice, you did the best you could under the circumstances. At least you have an idea of wardrobe suggestions for another time and your jacket was up to the job so that's a plus. I now need to add waterproof gloves to my shopping list and, possibly, a pair of Stuart's Goretex oversox.
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