Getting rid of your TV.

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New Member
East London
I decided not to get a TV when I moved into my new pad. I really don't miss it. I didn't watch that much anyway but I do seem to have a little more time in the evening for reading and other interesting projects. Any others out there that have recently binned theirs?

Mr Phoebus

New Member
red_tom said:
I decided not to get a TV when I moved into my new pad.

Has Auntie Beeb slipped her jackboots on yet? :biggrin:


Not me personally, but a guy at work has binned his TV. I think he got a partial refund on his licence.
I'd love to, I'd absolutely love to...


SWMBO would throw a fit.

When I lived by myself, I didn't have a TV and had great fun with the threatening letters from the licensing people. Eventually I took to scrawling "There is no TV at this address!" on their letters in different coloured ink, and they at last left me alone. I got loads done - reading, music and everything really.

Then I got engaged and knew the SWMBO would like a telly, so I went out and bought the smallest one I could find and stuck it in the corner, with a couple of uncomfortable old armchairs. The thinking being that we wouldn't watch it if it were small and uncomfortable.

Three years later we have a 40" telly and a five foot futon, several hundred DVDs, and watch far too much. In fairness, we mostly watch films, not TV, and some evenings we don't switch it on at all, but it is far too big a part of our lives. Some of that is sheer knackeredness - when one has got the little fella to bed it is very tempting to let the idiot box do the entertaining.

I am considering buying an LCD projector to watch films on, and getting rid of the TV in future. Has anyone done this?


New Member
When I was a child I went for years without a TV in the house, simply because it was a luxury item my mother couldn't afford.

Later, when I set up my own home I still didn't have a TV because I was far too busy renovating the wreck that I'd bought.

Eventually, I inherited a TV along with my brand new wife.:biggrin: After 20 years of marriage the TV has been upgraded a few times, but I still don't watch it much, there always seems to be something more interesting to do with my time.


New Member
East London
Leadlegs said:
there always seems to be something more interesting to do with my time.

I know what you mean. I memorised the fisrt 50 digits of pi the other night. Wait a mo, I'm not really selling this am I? :biggrin: ;)


New Member
red_tom said:
I decided not to get a TV when I moved into my new pad. I really don't miss it. I didn't watch that much anyway but I do seem to have a little more time in the evening for reading and other interesting projects. Any others out there that have recently binned theirs?

Be prepared fro multitudinous letters and nasty visits form the TV licensing folk who act like jackbooted thugs who do not beleive anyone can live without a TV and you are, therefore, a criminal. I'm only very slightly tongue-in-cheek..


Legendary Member
wafflycat said:
Be prepared fro multitudinous letters and nasty visits form the TV licensing folk who act like jackbooted thugs who do not beleive anyone can live without a TV and you are, therefore, a criminal. I'm only very slightly tongue-in-cheek..

Only slightly.

You'll get quite a few strongly worded letters which make no mention of "please ignore this if you are one of these weirdoes without a telly"

When splitting up, I went down the route of binning the telly, the ex-mrs Longers got SkyPlus installed straight away :biggrin:

Mr Pig

New Member
I lived without a TV for about six years when I first moved out of the house. When we got married it was another few years before I bought one, was in the town one day and just thought 'fancy a TV'.

I could live without it again very easily, life is better without it. As it is I don't watch that much.


Señor Member
red_tom said:
Any others out there that have recently binned theirs?

I've not had a TV since I left for university nearly ten years ago. Does that count as "recently"?

(Full disclosure: for two of those years I was living with Arch, who had a TV.)
red_tom said:
I know what you mean. I memorised the fisrt 50 digits of pi the other night. Wait a mo, I'm not really selling this am I? ;) :biggrin:

It's a favourite project of mine
A new value of Pi to define
I've settled on three
It's much simpler, you see
Than 3.1479:smile:

I went for years without a telly. I only got one last year because I got into F1 and was fed up with trying to find a pub that would let me watch the race on their telly. It only ever gets switched on when there's a GP on, the rest of the time it gathers dust in the corner.
wafflycat said:
Be prepared fro multitudinous letters and nasty visits form the TV licensing folk who act like jackbooted thugs who do not beleive anyone can live without a TV and you are, therefore, a criminal. I'm only very slightly tongue-in-cheek..

Yes. I bought a DVD recorder recently and am now on my third letter from the licencing authority. The daft thing is, there's a licence on my telly, but in Ms RT's name. Apparently, they want me to find the licence and phone them to tell them the number. Errrr, no ... how about you lot do some work and look it up for yourselves?;)
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