Gypsy Invasion

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
My post went down like a lead balloon then. I knew I'd be on my own on this one.
TBH i wasn't sure if the last sentence [of your initial post] was sarcasm or not. But aside... i agree with you and others... plenty of people flout the law, be they housed, traveller or homeless, and plenty of people leave a mess in their wake. On the rare occasion i walk through the town centre after a very late friday or saturday night, at a time when all the clubbers and revellers have gone home but before the team of street sweepers get to work, it's mindboggling just how much litter one night can produce. If it wasn't for the teams of street sweepers who start work at 5 or 6am to clear up after people* on a daily basis, most of a our towns would resemble the stereotypical gypsy camp in a matter days.

*mostly the types of people who live in houses, i expect.


What’s the point

yeah , and there is only one criminal commiting all other crime too.

never has the word cockwomble been so apt
I usually have an open mind, but in this case I admit a bias

My mother worked for an animal Charity who were approached by Channel 4.

The offer was a large donation to allow te use of their facilities for an episode of " My Big Fat Gipsy Wedding"

They agreed and the programme shows a good night had by all

What thety didn't show was the human excrement in the office drawers, corridors and communal areas the "star exhibits" were the turds in the ovens, freezer and grills of the canteen
They also failed to show the break ins to steal dogs from the charity or the vandalism that occurred

It took over a week for the damage to be repaired and the staff and visitors lost the use of their cafe and canteen for this period of time

Having seen the devastation first hand, I must admit that the social standards of this group are unacceptable to me


What’s the point
,,,,, what self abuse would you stoop to in order to avoid QVC?

cutting my ears off with a stone , so i couldn't hear it ( yes i know that won't work as the hearing bit is deep in my head - Like the voices - the ones that say Go on what could possibly go wrong)

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Travellers took up residence on common land near a village where we used to live.

It's a simple matter of fact petty crime rocketed, things started to go missing from sheds and outhouses, cars broken into and the like.

The common was turned into a rubbish tip.

Needless to say, the locals were not happy.

It was my mother's turn to be chairman of the parish council (bad luck) so she was tasked with having a word.

During her visit a firearm was discharged.

I hesitate to say she was shot at, because I suspect whoever fired the gun could have blown her head off if he had wanted to.

The gun incident was finally enough to motivate the local constabulary, who had previously shown no interest.

A couple of days later, about 100 coppers turned up accompanied a few dozen workmen and officials from council.

One forced eviction later, and all that was left was to clear up the rubbish.

The council dug a deep trench around the common to prevent reoccupation.

Lawless parasites is about the kindest thing I can say about those 'travellers'.


Legendary Member
That's interesting. Here in Westshire crime usually drops when they move into an area, because residents suddenly start locking doors, Windows, sheds, and generally taking care of their property for a change.


Norven Mankey
Well I might as well pitch in with my traveller story, not that it adds anything to the discussion really

Working at a company in S Lancashire that had its own private car park for employees. Turned up one morning to find a couple of caravans parked there. I thought they might be subcontractors so didn't do anything. Later that morning about another 20 caravans, trucks etc rolled up. I went down to talk to them and was told that they were staying. They also knew procedure; it would take x weeks and y thousand pounds to get an eviction notice.
I called a mate who was a Police Inspector and he told me to call the local police, get them down, and quote Section XX to them (I can't remember what it was but it was a way to get them moved much more quickly). Police came, we went to talk to the travellers and police refused to implement Section XX. So we were left with 20 caravans on the staff carpark. Staff wouldn't park there as they were worried about their cars while at work.

ccTV picked up some travellers arriving that night with a stolen local butcher's delivery truck, unloading all the meat and having a whale of a time.
Went back down to talk to them. Told them that the only entrance/exit to the car park will be blocked with boulders that night. Received a heap of abuse but toughed it out. Next morning they were gone. But the car park cost us thousands to be put right. Human faeces, fires on the tarmac had destroyed the surface etc
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