Hello and a plea from us horse riders!

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Riding the Devil's HIghway
Bolton, England
I do appreciate that it's not as easy to clear up as, for instance, dog muck and isn't really feasible to expect it.
And the droppings of a herbivore are nowhere near as obnoxious, or hazardous, as those of a carnivore.
Welcome Eve. I use to ride horses a bit before my hip decided to tell me I shouldn't. I found that a horse that won't flinch at a 44 tonne truck passing by, will then freak out at small paper bag caught in the hedge.
I fear, though, that you may be mostly "preaching to the converted" here. It's the people who don't come here you have to worry about, unfortunately.


In between here and there
I have never shouted out I have always assumed that this would be more likely to spook than the clciking of my freewheel.

Don't mind Horse cack too much but on a 30mph downhill and left by multiple horses dry and lumpy now from car compression, but the next bit of rain it will be erm interesting..


I must have been in a bad mood last night :shrug:. Apologies Eve

[edit] mods, please feel free top delete earlier posts.

Next time just turn off the computer! It is to Eve's credit she persisted after such a 'welcome'.

Thanks for the info Eve - it's useful and may save a cyclist/rider/horse from distress or injury in the future.:thumbsup:


I always call out 'cyclist' when approaching a horse. 90% of the time I get a wave of appreciation, but not always, but hey ho.

I have this to say about horses on our roads, though. When I see horse muck, and horses, I am reminded that I live somewhere beautiful and am therefore lucky to see so many of them. I love the clip clop sound they make when they sometimes walk down my road (we joke that one day it will be a neighbour wiht 2 coconut halfs ;) ).

Wirral is reputed to have one of the highest ratio of horses to people in the UK (I haven't verified that, but you hear it repeated often) and as far as I'm concerned, they are welcome on our roads.


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
I worry about spooking horses on the 'bent. I'm very low, and suspect my knees read like the shoulders of some predatory big cat. I've only ever seen one get really jumpy, and that seemed to be triggered by a fellow rider's flag. My approach tends to be start talking to the horse and rider as early as possible, and keep the conversation going whilst I'm waved past.

The flip side is that I fairly often run out of things to say, so end up going "I'm human... Yes, still human. A human on a bike. A laid back bike. But a bike. With a human on.. Yes, a human... etc..."

Seems to put the horse at ease, but the riders likely worry for my mental health.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
My approach tends to be start talking to the horse and rider as early as possible, and keep the conversation going whilst I'm waved past.
The flip side is that I fairly often run out of things to say, so end up going "I'm human... Yes, still human. A human on a bike. A laid back bike. But a bike. With a human on.. Yes, a human... etc..."
Seems to put the horse at ease, but the riders likely worry for my mental health.

That's why I ended-up singing ... all together now: Bring me sunshine in your smile .... dum de dum de doo doo

OK CC'ers, suitable songs for approaching horses whilst out on the road .....

America - Horse with no name
Osmonds - Crazy horses


Chris De Burgh - The Vision ... "And I saw a burning chariot, And the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Waiting on high, And I heard the thunder rolling in, And behold our leader on a pale horse riding in the sky"


Legendary Member
Rolling, rolling, rolling
Rolling, rolling, rolling
Rolling, rolling, rolling
Rolling, rolling, rolling

Rawhide !!!!!!!
Horsey, horsey don't you stop
let your feet go clippety clop,
So when your tail goes swish
and your wheels go round,
giddy up, we're homeward bound.
Horsey horsey on your way
We’ve got a journey of many a day
So let your tail go swish
and your wheels go round,
giddy up, we're homeward bound."
We ain’t in a hurry
We ain’t in a flurry
And we don’t go tearing down the road
We ain’t in a hustle
We ain’t in a bustle
And we ain’t got a very heavy load
I'm gonna take my horse and buggy
I'm gonna travel all around
I wanna hear those feet go clip clop
I wanna see those wheels go round
Horsey, horsey don't you stop
Let your feet go clippety clop,
So let your tail go swish
and your wheels go round,
giddy up, we're homeward bound.


Heavy Metal Fan
Hi guys, not sure if this is in the right place but I would like to ask you all for a favour!
As a horse rider I see many cyclists on the roads, may I please ask that if you are approaching a horse from behind that you call out and let the rider know you are there? Bikes are so quiet and unfortunately our horses (and us!) don't know you are there until the last second and that can cause them to spook. I have had a couple of near misses and would hate for anyone to get hurt.

Many thanks!


Hi Eve,

I used to drive tractors on country lanes so am used to stopping when I see a horse approaching. However, is it necessary to slow down on a bike, if the horse can see me coming?


I typically overtake at least 5-6 horses each day. And do all the usual slowing right down, don't shout/call abruptly, etc.
The only time I've had grief from a rider is the one that was more engrossed with their ipod and conversation with the rider ahead. Who finally spun around and shouted "Slow Down" (headphones still in ears), pulled on the reigns, and startled their horse. I must have been bombing along at 2mph max at the time!
There's always one, init!
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