How did you get married?

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Senior Member
Twenty Inch said:
In the Palace of Matrimony no. 1, on the Angliskaya Naberezhnaya in St. Petersburg. This was the first Palace of Matrimony to open in Russia after demand for secular rituals to replace church ones increased in the 1950s. Under communism prior to this, marriage was a suspect bourgeois institution, and you got "married" (or divorced) by signing a form at the local Civil records office and it took about 5 minutes. However people wanted more, and so the Palace of Matrimony phenomenon started.

Palace of Matrimony no. 1 was built in a real palace that had belonged to an exiled nobleman (who himself had been married 8 times). It was amazing - all gilt mirrors and marble staircases.

Later, at the reception, my academic supervisor from LSE made a nice speech, during which he revealed that he had written his Master's thesis on the rise of the secular ritual in the Soviet Union 35 years ago, and had researched it in that very Palace of Matrimony.

too clever for me


New Member

Married in registry office....divorced now!!!! He wasnt interested in cycling...say no more...


Being an atheist, I informed Mrs User482 that there was no way we were getting married in a church. So we discussed it for a while and then agreed that she was right and I was wrong.
User482 said:
Being an atheist, I informed Mrs User482 that there was no way we were getting married in a church. So we discussed it for a while and then agreed that she was right and I was wrong.

When I first showed Baggy a picture of this venue, she threatened to stamp and scream if we couldn't have it.

We had it. ;)


New Member
East London
In St Giles Cripplegate in the Barbican 10 years ago. Now very happily seperated and will be divorced in a while. My tip for the top. Don't have freaking bagpipes at your wedding. This guy (and the sound he made) scared the bejesus out of me.



New Member

Perhaps second time round will be the one...One problem...he must be into cycling!!!!! Oh and got to meet him yet...... HELP!!!!


Senior Member
User482 said:
Being an atheist, I informed Mrs User482 that there was no way we were getting married in a church. So we discussed it for a while and then agreed that she was right and I was wrong.

Mr Willow was similar so I had to pick hymns etc where god's/Jesus or whatever's name could be sensibly replaced with his so we could reduce the emphasis on that side of things - he even learnt the tunes when we were travelling up and down the motorway!

that leads into why one child is christened and the other isn't - another thread perhaps.


Rare Migrant
Chuffy;445145][quote name= said:
Perhaps second time round will be the one...One problem...he must be into cycling!!!!! Oh and got to meet him yet...... HELP!!!!
Oh dear....... may regret those words Birdie! :girl:[/QUOTE]

You love me!


nothing in moderation
birdie1 said:
Perhaps second time round will be the one...One problem...he must be into cycling!!!!! Oh and got to meet him yet...... HELP!!!!

join a cycling club. we have a few eligible young chaps in the macc wheelers, although some might be too young…

…we also do a fine selection of cantankerous old buggers too ;)
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