is it ok to fight back???

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Night Train

Maker of Things
Maybe as they were squeezing you against the kerb you should have 'wobbled' out a little and scrapped their car, for evidence, and then laid down making sure you have their reg in case they do a runner.

You can then report it to the police as a hit and run.


Purveyor of fine nonsense
Fit a helmet cam ... I think the Police would be keen to see them doing what they did ... and then a lovely shot of the number plate too :angry:


New Member
Cambridge, UK
I can't say that I blame you - I have to deal with this sort of idiotic car driver on my daily commute as well.

Nearly got pushed into the river Cam last week by a drunk twunt outside a pub who thought it would be really funny to push his friend (who was all but blocking the cycle path) into me as I passed.

However, my retaliation to people in cars is simply to lift the passenger windscreen wiper and then cycle off. It's annoying for them as they have to stop and put if back down again, but it's not illegal or permanently damaging.

Calling them a C*** is entirely optional :tongue:


Senior Member
I've done the same [I was knocked off] I've also punched a c.u.n.t. of a bus driver who thought it was funny to almost kill me.


Über Member
Plough Lane

Sorry, but as has already been mentioned, you're wrong. I'm not saying cyclists should be aggressive on the roads but if you don't stand up to bullies they'll carry on doing it. Far from ramming the next cyclist the driver comes across, she'll probably give the cyclist more room than usual (certainly more than a legs length :tongue:).



Slim said:

Sorry, but as has already been mentioned, you're wrong. I'm not saying cyclists should be aggressive on the roads but if you don't stand up to bullies they'll carry on doing it. Far from ramming the next cyclist the driver comes across, she'll probably give the cyclist more room than usual (certainly more than a legs length :tongue:).

Agreed.... besides her fat chav daddy probably wont be too impressed about the dent in her door so she definately will think twice before doing it again.


Legendary Member
Slim said:

Sorry, but as has already been mentioned, you're wrong. I'm not saying cyclists should be aggressive on the roads but if you don't stand up to bullies they'll carry on doing it. Far from ramming the next cyclist the driver comes across, she'll probably give the cyclist more room than usual (certainly more than a legs length :tongue:).


I have no idea how old you are, but I’m 58, and over the years I have learnt that "better the coward than a dead hero"
Two wrongs don't make a right.

I'd never condone anyone doing this. I've been really tempted to remove wing mirrors and forcefully insert them where the sun will never shine, but your resonse is not doing anyone any favours.

They will go home and tell their mates their version of events. I hope you don't come across any of them again when they have their fellas with them.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
We were on a club ride and a guy came past close, then stopped up the road to get into the car boot.
So, 2 of the people out decided to scare the guy, one called him a few choice words, the other banged on the window with his hand. Got it with his ring accidently and thought he had smashed the window!
Anyway, the guy in the car came past and then slammed on his brakes as if he was going to get out. But, with there being a large group of people out, 3 of them shouting, "Go on then you **** get your arse out of the ****ing car" he floored it and went off.
I personaly just leave it now, but i have turned a few mirrors around/banged them.
Cant really kick because im on fixed.
When I took a wing mirror of the passenger door side of a taxi who squeezed into me at actual collision rather than pre-meditated. the driver started getting irate.. I reminded him that the way he drove he didn't use it anyway so no big problem. .. before sprinting as fast as I could away from the Psycho... he went a serious alex ferguson sort of dark puce and I reckoned flight better than fight as he was the one with the ton of metal and there weren't too many other people around.
Reminds me, slightly OT but I was cycling to work one day, went down a line of traffic and spotted someone I knew. As I went past him, I gave his wing mirror a thwack and glanced back. I could see him looking shocked and worried, woken from his reverie, pipe dangling out of mouth and clearly struggling with what to do. I stopped and waited for him to clock me properly and when he realized it was me his face was a picture, a mixture of relief with 'you bast4rd wait 'till I get you' written on it.


Legendary Member
User76 said:
Age has nothing to do with it, thats a red herring. My dad took on two blokes who were swearing and c**ting this and f**king that in a train carriage full of women and children on the way to a football match. Some of the occupants were genuinely upset and disturbed and woried about their behaviour, my old man got up and told the pair of them to shut it and apologise to the carriage, which they did in a quite scared fashion. The carriage also had young blokes in but they sat and did nothing, spineless gits. Do you imagine the two yoofs took it out on the next 61 year old they saw? Or do you think they were just a bit cautious in case the next one got stuck straight in without warning? I know which my money is on.

In the words of Johnny Cash, '......Sometimes you have to fight to be a man'
Sorry, but Son like Father
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