Knocked a cyclist off their bike? No problem...

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I have an issue with the decision to prosecute (or not) being related to the actual consequences of an incident.

This instance (the OP) could easily have resulted in serious injury and I think the driver should have been prosecuted on that basis, regardless of the actual outcome.

I used to work with a magistrate who told me the tale of how a driver was in front of the bench for mounting a kerb and hitting a lamppost. Because the driver was a nurse, who was tired after a long shift and no injuries were caused the magistrates let her off (I can't remember the specific outcome, but there was no significant punishment). I did point out to him that the lamppost could just as easily have been a pushchair with a young child in it, but I'm not convinced he got the point I was making.


Über Member
Did the driver exit the car at any point? Knock someone over and just sit there hoping it all goes away.
I'm sure she gets straight out of the car but gets obscured by other people walking passed her door towards the cyclist.


Legendary Member
As a matter of fact, a caution is not a 'let off', ....

That is a matter of opinion not fact.

Some people would say it is a let off. others say it is not. It is a matter of opinion..
Some would say a £2000 fine was a let off others wouldn't


An Peanut
I wonder if that car flashed her out so he could cut the corner?

I think we covered that - you don't flash people out who are 5 seconds away from the junction, especially when they would not see you flashing as you are covering the junction.


Rollin' along
Not if she was waved out by other car. It happens very regularly outside my shop. There have been several crashes because of it.
The way she seemed to pause at the line then start forwards again would suggest that. shabby driving by both if so and that isn't an excuse for her at all.

There is too much, 'well s/he flashed me so I went' as if other peoples lights are a legal instruction or absolution from your own responsibility to observe properly. Mrs SB was one of the Institute of Advanced Motorists gang a while back and they were very firm that a good driver should never take the word (YKWIM) of anyone else before committing to a manoeuvre. Flashed lights are nothing but an indication that the lights work and a waved hand is nothing but an indication that the arm attached to it isn't paralysed.


Rollin' along
Can you honestly think that a driver would wave another forward who is 5 seconds away from the junction?

Theres some funny codgers on the road, I've seen this happen more than once and on a faster road than that looks to be. Not wishing to generalise but usually turn out to be people wearing flat caps & can remember 1st hand when Cliff Richard was at the vanguard of rock and roll rebellion.


Police to reinvestigate after realising there's a video of the incident doing the rounds on social media.


An Peanut
This quote from the police just highlights their 'service'.

“The collision was fully investigated at the time and the investigating officer took steps to ensure the victim was happy with the service he received."


Evidence based cyclist


You have all forgotten that he "appeared out of nowhere". These damned cyclists, thinking they can beam down from the Enterprise whenever they feel like it.
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